10- Beating two suspicious individuals

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Sheila: I'm going out, mom.

Sara: Be sure to come back home before noon, okay?

Sheila: Okay!

Sheila answered her mother before leaving the house. Because it's Sunday, she could see kids running all around the neighborhood as they were frolicking each other. She could also see a group of boys at her age hanging out at the park while chatting and laughing from time to times.

Looking at all the scenery as she was walking passed by each of them, she smiled and thought how peaceful the world is. She could take a deep breath of fresh air and relax all she wants, unlike the time when she had to focus on her sense of time in the Instant Dungeon.

Perhaps, she was influenced by the novel she had read? She was more careful than an average person. Just like how when she was hunting the bandersnatch, she had to completely sure that the bandersnatch was all alone even as she waits in an ambush that takes a lot longer than the actual fight.

She's thankful for that though, as one single mistake from her could potentially cause her death even in her Spirit form. Due to her increasing in levels, her sense has become much sharper than before. She could hear the people talking from six meters away from her location if she put her focus on the ears.

???1: Is that her?

???2: Yes, follow her closely and once she is out of the public views, capture her.

???1: Alright.

Sheila beautiful face frowned when she accidentally heard an ominous talk while she was testing her new found strength in human form. With her now sharp humain sense, she could tell that she was followed by two individual from behinds a certain distance from her.

She slows down her walking pace and thought about something.

Sheila: "Did they found my secret? No way, it shouldn't be as it has only been two-three days since I got the leveling system. But then, why was I followed by these two suspicious individuals?

Sooner, she was out of the public's sight as she walked right into the corner of the alleyways. The two suspicious individuals immediately run after her but when Sheila got into the corner, she stood in front of the two with her eyes glaring at them.

Initially, she was scared and afraid of the situation that she has come across. But when she gripped her hands, she could feel the strength within her fist. It managed to calm her mind. In fact, she could beat those two easily in her Spirit form but she doesn't want to expose and her human is now strong, unlike her weak self three days ago.

The two individuals came to stopped and realized that they had been found by the target. They were not good in stalking on people, but that doesn't mean they didn't do it seriously. In front of the real one, everything about them is just pure clumsy. But an average person wouldn't have noticed that they were being followed unless they were highly alerted.

Sheila accidentally heard their conversation while she was testing on how far her hearing could go. She looked toward the two, one man with dyed hair and tattoos on his upper hands while the other man looks normal compared to the man beside him.

Sheila: Why have you two been following me until now?

Since she has heard from the conversation that they were calling her as a target, perhaps, they had been following her for a while, and she only found them out today only because of her leveling up. Just thinking about it already brings the chills to run through her whole body. What would have happened if she didn't have the "Date A Live Spirit system"?

Sheila shook her head to negate away that negative thought before glaring back at them. Seeing the glare coming from her, the blond man laughed.

???1: Heh, would you look at that? She's all scary glaring at us like that.

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