1.1: Incarceration.

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Authors note: This story is not canon, it takes place as if Somon was unable to rescue Synictis from the debate!
tw: minor gore detail

He had one job.

As Synictis Iradil lay in his barren cell, he attempted to focus on anything but his current situation. Perhaps the drip-dripping from the ceiling. He's always known that the Union did not put much effort into their incarceration centres, some may argue that they didn't put much effort into civilian welfare either. Initially Synictis believed that the infrastructure was perhaps a strength of the Union, however evidently his view of the nation became tainted after spending so long with fellow electee Chanoch Amay- and we're back.

Despite his efforts, Synictis could not distract himself from the guilt that clawed at his insides, leaving a gaping hole in his heart that felt as if it went on for miles. Their most important mission had failed, the mission that could have led to his ascension through the ranks as a Daybreak, and could have sprung him into the luxurious life of the noble within the Coalition. Nothing could have prepared him for the disaster that occurred earlier that fateful day. His fucking narcolepsy left him defenceless as he was accused left right and centre of betraying the Union, even Somon couldn't get him out of this without risking her own death. It left him unable to flee, when the shooting began and a potential distraction arose, leaving him here, Yutir prison, accused of spying for the Daybreak Coalition.

Initially, It all seemed like smooth sailing, after all, he was the obvious favourite candidate. Support for him was plastered on every terminal, every street they turned, and every civilian they met. Of course the main opposition was the infamous Chanoch Amayagda, whose claims against the Government unfortunately sparked his growth in popularity from the lower class civilians. Of course he had to admit that he wanted Chanoch gone, but a bullet through the skull was not what he had in mind!

Honestly, he was grateful that he awoke from his coma in the confinement of the Union, deep down he knew, once Baron heard of his unsuccessful mission, he would be far less merciful than his enemies. If he is to be killed here, at least they will make it quick. The Daybreak Senator was known for dragging things out, making sure you pay the price for what you've done.

Synictis sat up in his cell, as he heard footsteps make their way down the corridor, and closer to his cell. He heard the jingle of keys as the door unlocked, the hinge squeaking as it opened revealing a figure Synictis did not expect to appear.

"Afternoon, Iradil."

P.S: Please let me know if there is anything I should correct english isn't my first language and constructive criticism is appreciated! <3

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