1.2: A "rescue" mission.

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Authors note (important): I wanna make this book like lots of stories, with a few parts to each, so pls send me suggestions for a title for this one 🙏 the Governor election is like my favourite DU event so expect a few stories related to it!

"Afternoon, Iradil."

Synictis' jaw dropped as the all too familiar face of his colleague, Somon, stared back at him.

"...Well, do you want to leave this shithole o-"

"Who sent you here."

Somon paused. She knew that Synictis was aware of the consequences that would arise from his return, but Baron ordered it. After all, he sees Synictis as nothing but a coward, and has assumed that he will easily break under the Union's methods of interrogation. The truth is, Somon didn't want to bring Synictis back. There's no doubt that Baron will make him regret ever volunteering for this mission, but a small, slightly selfish part of the Daybreak soldier knows that if she fails to "rescue" her colleague from the isolation of the Union's prison, she will face her Senator's wrath instead.

"Don't worry about it, we've been looking for you."

Upon hearing this vague response from his colleague, terror stabbed Synictis in the heart, as he suppressed a shiver, desperate to hide the dread which twisted in his gut. After all, he was a spy for an enemy nation, surely returning to the Daybreak was a form of salvation, his leader had come to rescue him at last! Right?

Synictis focused on this idea as he followed Somon back through the corridor, the pair racing down the desolate hall, the silence causing their fast-paced footsteps to echo off of every surface. The wind howled as leaves shuffled along the pavement at the exit of the prison, the cold air biting at anybody who was unfortunate enough to be outside on such a dull day. Nevertheless, the pair hastily jumped into Somon's vehicle. Somon glanced towards the man in the seat next to her, who gave her a shaky thumbs-up, before starting up the engine and pressing hard on the accelerator.

Somon could have told Synictis everything. She could have recited every gruesome punishment their Senator had graphically informed her of that morning. She could have broken him out of prison and helped him to seek refuge in a different nation, help him to restart his life and flee from the soon to be inflicted torture, carried out by a commander from his very own nation. Alas, that small, slightly selfish part of her led to the pair eventually pulling up outside of the main Daybreak base, the slightly reluctant Synictis cowering next to his friend, though making sure to take in the sights and smells of his nation, his home. The emotion overwhelmed Synictis as he felt the tension in his body release, his head slumped against his seat and his vision faded to black.


ahahxjdhsbs idk if i like this might delete lol

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