1.4: A gruesome demise

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              Synictis woke up from his slumber, breathing heavily and rapidly sitting up, eyes scanning the room for any sign of his former acquaintances. He breathed a sigh of relief as the room in which he awoke was not that of which he thought it would be.

            It was a dream, nothing to worry about. He told himself

            He rubbed his eyes in an attempt to correct his blurred vision. He flicked his wrist, booting up his watch to reveal the time.

           5:43pm, he'd been asleep for just under an hour.

            He glanced around the room, taking in his surroundings, noticing the peculiar absence of Somon. In her place, however, were two Cadets, positioned at each side of the sleepy Synictis. One of the Cadets looked at him, handing him a sheet of paper, before taking out a device and muttering into it;

            "Subject Iradil has awoken, Senator."

            Senator. The title that assured Synictis that he wasn't making it out alive. No, he refused to focus on his impending demise, instead, he looked down at the folded sheet of paper which he held. He peered towards the Cadet which handed him it, bearing an inquisitive expression. The Cadet, however, did not look down, and kept his gaze firmly on the wall ahead. Synictis sighed and unfolded the paper.

            My apologies, thank you for your service – Liege Somon
            Suddenly everything began to feel very real, very quickly.

            Synictis hiccuped, tears threatening to roll down his flushed orange cheeks. He knew he shouldn't have come with Somon, but what other choice did he have? Face interrogation with the Union guards? Potentially be killed by Somon upon his refusal to accompany her?

This is it. He was going to die, and there's nothing that could be done to stop it. Why worry? Why be afraid of the inevitable? Simply put on a brave face, and fearlessness will come naturally.

And so Synictis showed no fear. He showed no fear when the guards marched him to the laboratory, no fear when his towering leader stormed in, bearing an expression that could've killed all the birds in the sky and left all of the plants to rot. He showed no fear as he was torn apart, when he lay practically lifeless on the cold tarmac floor. He knew death was imminent, fear is a sign of weakness, and so you should put on a brave face, even when your demise is glaring directly at you.

And so, that is exactly what Synictis Iradil did.

A/N: woooo the end of an era, sorry for the delay and poor quality, i forgot a lot of what i wrote in the deleted draft so i had to improvise (which hopefully is ok!)

also tysm to Ell/CaesiaGerma for explaining a shit ton about daybreak and the elections in the discord, making my life easier when i was tryna research
go read his stuff RN it's **chefs kiss** dbdjsjjsj

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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