1.3: Regret

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Before I start, trigger warning for descriptions of gore and strangulation

I wrote this at 1am lmao

            Synictis stood up, and found himself in a backstage room, thousands of voices could be heard from behind the curtain. He looked around, there were four other people in this room with him.

            "Well, this is it. May the best candidate win." The green one sighed.

            The blue one scoffed, "Well, rest assured sir, it won't be you!"

            The green candidate quickly turned to face the blue, a snarl taking over his previously nervous expression. As he was about to speak, a yellow figure jumped between the pair.

            "Both of you can argue when we're out there, for now, focus on looking your best for those cameras!"

           The pair once again turned to look at eachother, challenging the other to look away. After a warning gaze from yellow, blue grumbled and turned to grab a brush, carefully doing his hair. The green however, turned to look at Synictis.

           "Say, Iradil, are you feeling alright? You haven't spoken at all today."

Each of the people in the room turned to stare at him. The attention unnerved Synictis as his Deja-vu heightened.

"Pteh, he better be bracing himself, if he goes all limp on me, I ain't catching him.


"What?! I'm just saying, i'm not gonna be holding some jellyfish bridal-style while trying to argue with y'all!"

The red one held up a hand to silence Chanoch, before placing a hand on Synictis' shoulder.

"Iradil, nerves are normal in this situation, but you are looking awfully pale."

"Y...Yeah i'm alright, starting to get a bit of stage fright, that's all..."

Suddenly, the deafening sound of static was heard as once again, Synictis' vision went black, this time only for a few seconds. He opened his eyes and his stomach dropped. Blood was spread all over the room as all of the candidates had replaced their gaze of pity with one of vengeance. Synictis' gaze was focused on one person and one person only.

The blue candidate, Chanoch Amayagda now had a dishevelled appearance, his formerly neat suit now was covered in dust, and blood. The most startling change, was his head.

Or at least, what was left of it.

In the centre of Chanoch's head was a gaping hole that quickly filled with blue blood that gushed out. His complexion paled as his eyes glossed over, staring blankly at the orange creature.

"You. You did this." Chanoch shouted, slowly walking towards Synictis, who quickly began to hyperventilate as his mind raced.

"M-me? No...NO! I didn't do anything!"

"I thought I could trust you.." Synictis looked down to see the yellow person, Calypso Irafit, staring up at him. Calypso lay in a pool of her blood, a sharp wound on the right side of her head revealing her cracked skull.

             "Wha-You..You can! What's..happening?"

            Soon after, the other two candidates began to mutter under their breath, the red one also bearing a gunshot wound, though he wore a more lively expression, a furious one.

All four of the other candidates began to march slowly towards Synictis, their gaze unwavering. Leading the march was Chanoch Amayagda, whose blue blood now dripped down his face, and Calypso Irafit, whose gaping wound left a gruesome trail behind her.

Synictis raced to the door, and began frantically pushing down on the handle, but to his misfortune, it was locked. He was forced to prepare himself as the ominous figures continued to march towards him. Once they were an arm's distance away, Chanoch reached out, grabbing Synictis' neck, and squeezed. Synictis felt the air leaving his lungs as his throat closed and his head began to pound. The other candidates began to crowd around Chanoch, watching as Synictis desperately tried to gasp for air. Synictis' vision began to blur, as the corners began to darken, and he was forced to look at the blue candidate, Hair and skin coated with blood which continued to pour from his gunshot wound, forced to look at the figure next to him, whose severe bruising to their face and smashed skull left them beyond unrecognisable, and forced to look at the two behind the pair, whose looks of betrayal and vengeance were enough to drive any sane person batshit crazy.

He did this. If it weren't for him, Chanoch and Calypso would still be alive, the debate would have ran smoothly, and a rightful Governor would be declared through a civilian election.

"What have I done..."

Synictis heard ringing in his ears, and everything went black.

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