Chapter 1 : Limbo

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The separation between life and death, giving the humans the impression that those who are gone, are gone forever. But that may not be the case, sometimes people can be stuck in a terrible place for they have unfinished business on this earth and the thing that they must do weighs down the soul and makes them impossible to leave and to exorcise. Limbo does odd things to people, some people consider Limbo the middle of heaven and hell a jail of sorts for those that did not live their life to the fullest they possibly could and them being left there is the cruel Lord's way of saying "Welcome to the rest of your cruel existence!" The others think that it is a gift from the God that thinks they need more time left on Earth and that they are the lucky ones, well Limbo comes in a lot of ways and one of those ways is a false Haven. One of those havens is Las Vegas, Nevada.

As the warm summer breeze fills the air a girl exits her house she begins to trudge to her bus stop, "Ugh, why do I have to go to school mom? It's just the last day of school nothing is going to happen." Her mother poked her head out the window, her mother looked incredibly aged as if sixty or even older even though she claimed to be thirty nine."Persephone you need to get over it you dont need to lounge around the house and do nothing, who knows maybe your friends will be there waiting for yo-"

"Mom they're not gonna show up, Gina is ditching class and going to the beach, Carla is going to Hawaii on vacation and Will is going to New York to visit his family for the summer." She insisted

"You need to understand I'm not gonna break just because you don't wanna go to school, you're going no objections!"

"But Mo-"

"No buts! Now get to the bus stop immediately besides I need you out of the house today if I'm gonna get any of the cleaning done." Her mom went back inside and slammed the window.
"You Fælka dera fallrünå," wait what the hell did I just say. She continued down to the bus stop she saw her neighbor, "Hello!" Her neighbor Mrs.Ruiz waved to her wildly "Hello Mrs.Ruiz how are you doing?" Persephone awkwardly asked.
"Good, how are you darling?" She replied
"Great, but I can't talk right now I gotta go to the bus, Bye."
"Bye darling, but can you find me when you get back from school."
"Ok, sure Mrs.Ruiz." she waved and continued to the bus stop. She had looked down the street to see her bus coming right on schedule. She got on the bus and as she expected no one was on, except for one person. She was surprised, she had been going on this bus for years and never saw this kid on it, actually to think of it she never saw this kid at school at all. And she'd recognize him, he wore a red and gray hoodie, and he was rather tall so he was probably in her grade, but from the way the guy looked was like looking anger in the face, he had shown no facial expression but what looked like anger or what looked like it at least. She hadn't seen his eyes, because he was wearing sunglasses, he looked odd.
She had inched toward him till he had finally looked up
"Hello, do you want something?"
"Ummmm." she had not known what to say "Can I sit with you?" She blurted out.
"I don't see why not." he moved over, she had sat down next to him "Oh and by the way I'm Persehone." she stood out her hand so he would shake it but instead he raised it to his mouth and he kissed it "Trevelyan, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." she had took her hand back,"Yeah it's a pleasure to meet you too." she said reluctantly, wiping off her hand. "So is this your first day?" He looked her mystified
"No I've been going here since Freshman year, actually I'm in your first class today."

She awkwardly scooted over."I'm sorry I guess I never noticed you before."

"It's fine," he kept going. "Actually you should, know that I live down the street to you."
She was embarrassed, she hadn't noticed him the who time, she couldn't believe that she had missed him all this time and she had thought that she knew everyone at school.

A minute passed of awkward silence "So how old are you?" There was a pause he finally said, "Your pitiful attempt at trying to break the silence is not gonna work, but I'm eighteen." She sat in awe wondering why he had shown so much rudeness towards her, but she had rethought that she had been the rude one. She hadn't noticed him all year,"Well look, Trevelyan I'm sorry I never noticed you, but I'd like to meet you now." she pleaded. He had sighed, she had been trying to get to know him and he was pushing her away. "Well if you really want to meet me, are you doing anything after school today?" She blushed, then looked down,", wanna meet me at my house?"

"Okay, is five o'clock fine with you?" he asked.

Her face had gotten hot,"Yeah five is fine." she had been keeping her face down till the bus had stopped moving. She had gotten up and had moved outta the for him, he didn't get out. He had simply said "Ladies first." and bowed his head to her. Now she was really burning up she had never met a guy like this before, so she had rushed off the bus and ran into the front lobby only to see there was practically no one there. She had looked for the boy she had just met to see if she could talk to him all day. She looked back to the bus. But he was gone, she looked around the lobby. She couldn't find him she looked asking the people there if they had seen or met a boy named Trevelyan and gave a description of him, only for no one to have seen anyone there that matches his description till she finally sighed,"Dammit he's gone." Thinking this was going to be the last time she'd see him, she punted her bag across the lobby. Then she remembers the meeting time, five o'clock.

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