August 6th, 2003

59 0 0

Ready? I know you two were really close.

Engaged actually. We knew the risks. 

Well, Deborah, start whenever.


I knew something was wrong a few days before Nelson approached me. Well, more wrong than that company usually was. Wesley had been arguing that we should include Ben in the S.P.I.R.E. Jordan had been visiting him for a while and she said he was actually pleasant to be around, except for the times when the voices that he complained about were deafening to him and he could barely think, let alone speak. I feel bad about it now. I know, I should've said at least a hello. Nelson kept me swarmed with work, leaving me no time to spend with Wes or work on taking Syntec down. 

I caved and let Wes tell Ben about the project, after all Ben would hopefully benefit from the antidote, if he listened to me. About a month after Ben was informed, I would catch Nelson looking at Wesley and I sitting next to each other and that stupid smirk would appear on his face. Once I even confronted him about it.

We were in the break room, Wes and I were just talking when Nelson walked in, and the smile followed soon after. At this point I was fed up with him.

"What are you Nelson," I complained,"Five?"

He seemed pleased that he got a reaction from me,"I'm just happy that my best friend and my sister are both happy." And then he left.

Jordan was also acting strange, although I didn't know why until it was too late. I was called to Nelson's office late one night, I was just about to leave. When I got there, he already had his smirk on.

"I'm here."

"I'm aware," he let some annoyance slip into his voice,"Fine, I won't beat around the bush." 

"I wouldn't have it any other way." I interrupted.

"I want you to kill Wesley."

I laughed,"Oh really? You think I'm going to do that?"

His smile was gone,"No, I know you will. Because if you don't, the both of you will be dead."

I realized his tone wasn't  a joking one,"You can't be serious."

"I know what the two, well," he re-thought his words,"There are quite a lot of you. Well I know what a few of you are building. And that you are planning to undermine me. I am the only thing keeping this company alive, you know that, right?"

"There are enough people here that can take your place."

"Mind giving me a list?" He asked, the smile back in place.

"So you're threatening me now?" I shook my head,"You've changed. Ever since that damn serum-"

He groaned,"You sound just like mother. You sound like all of them. No-one has ever understood what I do."

"Because there's nothing to understand!"

He stood up and slammed a fist into his desk. "It's not my fault everyone here are fools. Including you."

"Then fire me."

He chuckled,"You don't think I've considered it? The only reason you are still here is because you are good at what you do, but you lack vision. There are few people here who can see what this place can become."

"Like who? Reynolds is arrogant, Hill is obsessed, and everything Ben was you've taken apart." I shouldn't have let the bit about Ben slip. I was angry, he had taken a close friend of mine and turned him into something I couldn't even look at. 

"I did what I needed to," he said with his silky voice he inherited from dad,"He'll thank me later."

"When you threaten him," that conversation was escalating,"People don't just forget pain like that. He definitely won't."

We stood there for a while in hateful silence. "So are you going to comply?" he said as he pulled out a gun from his drawer and set it on the desk,"Or do I have to do it for you?"

I turned it over in my mind when an idea came to me. "No, I'll do it myself." I took the gun and stormed out of the room.


When I got back to the house, I told Wes everything. We brainstormed that night. We decided I would fill the gun with blanks, and then I would hide him in a safe house of mine while I worked on getting out of Syntec and we would move to England, I had some family there. We would be safe. Well, I thought we would.

(D log ended)

(B27 log inserted)

Can you tell us about seeing Wesley die?


I found my door unlocked with a note from Nelson asking me to pick something up from location #1. I decided to go, it would be nice to see a change of scenery.  Location #12 was quite close to location #1 so I just walked there. I entered the building with ease, Nelson told security I would be there. The room he needed me to get something from was on the second floor and had a window facing the parking lot where I saw Wesley's car. I picked up the file and turned to the window when I saw movement. Wesley was walking to his car. When he got in, the car didn't move for a while, then a flash accompanied by a bang. A gunshot. The only sound was my breathing. The world remained silent for what felt like hours, then the passenger door opened. Out stepped the killer, Deborah. I could see the terrified, confused, tear-stained expression on her face.

I stood frozen for quite a while, then I remembered the file in my hand and I swiftly left back to location #12 and my cell. 

I believe that's why she called her project,'project 863,' correct? Wes helped me in so many ways. I'm sure that's not how he wanted to go out. I don't know that for sure, but what I do know is that Nelson's a murderer and nothing more. I know there are still some 'Syntec Sympathizers,' out there, don't listen to them. This place was built to take that cursed company down, so I hope it wouldn't be a problem, but you never know who could be among you. 

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