Evening - 1

546 13 0

A/N: I'm going insane from the number of fandoms I'm in TwT

3rd/ Fyodor POV

A man walks to his favorite cafe, the autumn breeze greets his figure as he walks. The man fixed his loose strands of hair and walked into the cafe, he paused in front of the door and breath in the caffeinated place and averted his eyes to his favorite spot to see someone sitting there. They looked completely observed in their studies till they see the young man walking towards them with curious eyes.

"Is there anything I help you with?" The person asked not taking their eyes off the object in hand.

"I was wondering if I can join you. You see, this seat is my favorite of all the seats here. I'm not telling you to move I'm just here to ask you if I can-" The man said before he got caught off.

"Sure, just go ahead, and since I took your favorite seat and you're so kind about making me not move why don't I treat you? A little thanks." They said taking their glasses off, and looking at the man with a tender and genuine smile topped with innocents.

The man took his seat and was struck thru the heart, he tried to refuse but they kept insisting till he gave up and took the offer. They continued doing their work while answering the man's questions. They ordered the same thing, a cup of caffeine and a pastry of their choosing.

"Tell me, Mr. Dostoevsky, are you Russian?" The man raised his eyebrow.

"Oh? Why do you think so?~ Is my accent that visible?" He asked siping and peeking at the person.

"Actually yes but there are other things, for instance, your sitting position of course it could be from some back pain or condition but from how you walked in I can tell you have no probable with those things, and second just from how you choose your words it's really... formal," They said sipping their cup.

The man was impressed and took in the appearance of his sitting mate, they mostly had their face covered but when he can see it, it seemed pretty anonymous. With their glasses, he can't see them too clearly in the eyes and they mostly have something covering their face when they became face-to-face as if they're doing it on purpose.

"Let me guess yours~" He put down his cup and put all of his attention on them. "Why don't you stop and give me a good look at you for a while?~ It wouldn't hurt a fly" They sighed and took their glasses off for the final time and got their hair away from their face revealing a gorgeous face.

He observed their appearance from head to waist down, they had such a beautiful hair color, and their eyes were drowning him like a siren, their skin was soft as a baby. He memories by the way they looked he was staring at them when he heard the bell from the entrance opening.

"Your um... from England aren't you?" They raised an eyebrow.

"Wow, what gave it away? Most people I have met never could guess" The man chuckled and proceed to tell them how he knew.

Their unexpected date go on till it was afternoon, and they both shared one last laugh when they realized that the sun was setting. The man checked his watch and saw that he is needed somewhere in a while and excused himself.

"Ah, what a shame, I'm afraid I must take my leave" He stood and got ready to leave when.

"What a coincidence, me two. And I just realized I didn't tell you my name, it's (Disguise_name) Nice to meet you, Mr. Dostoevsky, hope we meet again and perhaps we can continue our conversation" They walked the opposite path of the man who disappeared into the night.

He took his path while going thru the conversation he had with the person, he walked into an ally and his expression changed from the pure delight of happiness to a malicious smile. He spoke with his 'friend' and they vanished into the darkness.

Both of the gentlemen were on a ship and walked into a large metal storage, inside were two men in suits and the Deal Agreement person was waiting. Decay of The Angels and a very strong corporation were having some difficulties and today they were gonna solve it, they all sat and chatted before getting into the business.

"I was sure we could've gone with an agreement," The gentleman in a suit said sipping his wine.

"Well, why of course. We always gave the option of non-violence in our affairs, but sadly most choose violence over peace" The Russian mean said making everyone fake a chuckle.

Throughout the whole discussion, the Deal Agreement person didn't say anything and only pointed to the places both parties needed to write the contract, not that Fyodor finds it bothering but it's really different from his partner who is always loud but he didn't mind it either.

They finished their discussion at midnight, and they all left leaving no trace that any of them being there. The men in suits left first and then the men with white hair offered to take them to their headquarters. Fyodor accepted and as they were about to leave the Deal maker spoke.

"Be careful, that man didn't write his actual signature. He might be up to something, and don't take him lightly he may not be well known but his more dangerous than most ability users you have faced" The masked Deal Maker warned using a robot voice filter to mask their identity.

"Why are you telling us this?" Fyodor couldn't help but ask.

"Cause on the contract it was said "If one of the parties didn't do as the agreement said or falsely tried to trick the other party then the Deal Maker, I shall assist till the agreement is filled or both parties agreed on peaceful or violent terms" They spoke once more.

"Hmm... I see, Well thank you for the warning comrade" Fyodor took one last look at the Deal Maker and went thru the portal.


He stepped out and went straight to his courtiers, saying one last good night to his partner in crime he closed the door. Fyodor took his hat off and placed it on his dresser, unbuttoning his clothes as he walked to his hanger and hung his coat. He was left in his pants and his white shirt he tiredly walked to his bed and took the book on his bedside to read before bed.

The two went thru the portal and then disappeared I sighed and went to the side of the big ship and found that my boat was already waiting for me. I sigh as I jumped on, the seat I see a suitcase I turned on the boat and sat opposite the case. Opening it was a laptop, opening it and making it immediately connect to a call, it wasn't showing anyone but I know who it was.

"How did it go? did one of them betrayed the other? did they fight?" Master said excitedly.

"No sir, The Seraph was being 'tricked' but even tho I didn't warn them they already knew," I said watching, my surroundings. "The Seraph with white hair could have some sort of teleportation and the other doesn't seem to show the reports people say, he willingly and purposely touched his partner without killing" Master replied with a hum.

"Perhaps he can control when his ability is used and when not, keep digging and while you are at it say thanks to those idiots who tried to fool the two" I replied and the call ended.

When the call ended I was already near shore, the laptop was ticking warning me that I need to get off that boat and leave it there in twenty seconds. I leaped onto the wood and winced at how loud the explosion was, if there was something I hate more than this world it's probably loud noise sometimes.

The frequency makes a lot of my nerves act like it's itching or burning, the sudden burst of it making my heart beat faster as if it's going thru an anxiety attack, and overall the unpleasant memories it reminds me of. I've told the master and the servant at the mansion to not make bombs when destroying evidence of my affairs yet they do, and it's probably to torture me more.

I walked past the cafe I went to earlier where I wanted to spy on Fyodor Dostoevsky, he was an interesting fella, but it was kind of hard to read if his expression were the real thing or not, was he actually meaning the words coming out of his mouth or not? As I said it was hard.

I spotted the ADA building and watched their windows carefully not wanting them to see me, old friends of mine, Edogawa Ranpo and Edgar Allan Poe were in there and it sounded like they were celebrating something. I wanted to say hi ever since I landed in Yokohama but my master's and jobs won't allow me to rest for even a glim of a second, I continued my walk and found where I was living.

It was at a random location in the city and looked like it was abandoned enough to not draw suspicion, I could hear two cats fighting in the ally way, few drunk men called out to me to 'hangout' with them but I pretended to not hear them and quickly went into my room. After I locked the door I took my mask off, finally breathing normally and not thru a porcelain mask was relieving.

Taking my clothes off and using my pajamas I crash on my bed, I covered my whole body head to toe with the blanket. Crawling out my head and arms I reached for my novel and read it till I fell asleep which never happened when the sun came rolling in I sigh and put the book back in my bag and got ready for today. It was normal for me to go days without sleep or rest.

I got up and washed, as I stepped out of the bathroom I heard my phone ring. Picking it up I heard a robot voice say: "Your free to do anything you want to do till tonight or any further announcement" I rolled my eyes and threw it on my bed. When they say 'free' they meant I don't have to do anything business related but I'm not actually since they'll always be on my tail.

"We will only be using our GPS to track you and call you thru this device for today." My phone continued, reaching it I saw that it was still going. Any of us agents can talk to it but I never wanted to, it's pointless. I put my clothes on and thought about those words again.

"I do this job to protect those two, I did all this so they don't touch them. If I visit them today and they are harmed tomorrow by Him then that means war *heh* they wouldn't, I'm their most prized agent" I chuckled lightly at myself and went out of my hotel.

Making sure the door again and checking if everything I need is in my bag I went to the cafe I went to yesterday, when I almost arrived I saw a familiar face there. It was Mr. Dostoevsky, I put on a basic happy-go-lucky face and went in I didn't really want to talk to him but if it happens then I have to engage with him.

Opened the door hit the bell on top and informed everyone of my whereabouts to everyone inside, I went to the counter as fast as I can, the cashier greeted me and I ordered what I wanted.

"Please, let me pay~" I heard someone say, I sigh in my head and turned 'surprisingly' to him.

"Wha- Mr. Dostoevsky! You don't have to, you already did yesterday" I smiled at him still grabbing my wallet in the process.

"I know, but I had such a wonderful time with you yesterday so I just wanted to thank you again, it's been a while since someone entertains me~" He hands the cashier the money. "Besides, what's the harm in it~" He smirked at me and I laughed a little.

He offered a hand that I took, praying that I don't die from his touch. He guided me to the chair that we sat at yesterday and we both sat, somehow I was still intact and not dead. This confirms one thing, his 'kill to the touch' is on command.

To Be Continued

2106 words

First BSD FAnfic whoooooo! Hope you all enjoy it! and like the title says it is also like my OC, tho my OC isn't ship with Fyodor or any of the cast characters -v- but Hey why not just use it?

Please remember to take care of yourself and I'll see you guys in the next chapter

Forbidden Touch (Fyodor Dostoevsky x reader/OC) BSDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang