Oh... Dear - 7

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    Y/N's POV
- Panic attack near the ending
Proceed with caution 

We got to the circus and saw all the attractions. I have never been to a circus before, and never have I ever felt so nervous before, I know that Nikolai was there the entire time but I trust Fyodor more about my insecurity. I reached for Fyodor's hands as Nikolai paid for the tickets, Fyodor held my hands and gently rub my thumb.

I looked at him with a smile and he returned with a reassuring smile that meant "You're safe, don't worry" so much can be read from a simple smile but he made it clear that this is what he meant. I gulped and then we enter the place, immediately I can hear every inch of the place, the screams from the horror house, the cheering and crying from winning and losing, and the blaring music that makes everyone yell at each other.

I clutch on Fyodor more and let him guide me somewhere quiet, Nikolai led the way and we entered a tent. When entering the just proceed to behind the curtain and we followed from there Nikolai was in his jester clothing and bowing with a portal opened beside him.

"Are you two trying to kidnap me?" I had to ask cause if I'm honest, I want it. "Cause if you are my people aren't just gonna let me loose like that they have a tracker on me somewhere" They started to laugh.

"We figured as much, we're not technically. I just want to make it seem like we're trying" Fyodor let me go and stepped back, I just chuckled and then felt an arm slithering up my arm again. "I just want to teach them a lesson to play with such a dangerous group as me and Niko here~" He guided me through the portal and then I saw a white room.

Every corner was white, and the walls and furniture were all white and luxurious. Someone was sitting on the person's sofa and he had a particular haircut, that person being the one and only Sigma, I don't have much file on him other than him being an owner of Sky Casino that fell down during the wars and that his part of Fyodor's little group. He was sipping tea and then looked at me, he stood and walked towards me, and he bowed.

"I'm Sigma, the owner of Sky Casino" He stood straight again. "I'm glad to see Mr. Doesvsky finally find something else to do than prohibiting himself from-" Two hands appeared behind him and covered his mouth, it was gloved and it was Nikolai's.

"This way my dear," Fyodor called out and I bowed goodbye to Sigam who was trying to escape Nikolai's grasp. "Ignore those two... This is my office and living space" Fyodor gestured.

The room looked a lot like the ones previously but it had a more cozy personality, something that I researched is that you can tell someone's whole personality and his room fits what I have seen so far. There was one big bed fit for three, a table well kept but still kind of messy due to post-it notes being everywhere for different things, and his closet had a beautiful engraving into it with few golden lining and a build board. 

Getting closer to the board Fyodor didn't stop which means it's all probably nothing. Looking at it there were codes and words I don't recognize, I tilt my head slightly trying to read and decipher it only for Fyodor to touch my shoulder and spoke.

"Which one are you trying to read? Ahh, that one... it says, 'We need around XX amount of concrete for the right wing'" He then continued to smile at me.

"What is this for? If you don't mind me asking..." I step aside a little and he steps forward.

"Not at all!" He explains that the board is he plans to remake the Sky Casino, as he explains however there was something about him that changed, he seemed happier in a way. "And that is all... what do you think? Will it work? or do you have any advice~" I snapped out.

"I'm certain that it'll work but there might be a way to make things easier... but in order to do that we might have to ask around and sign a few contracts so I think this is the best approach we have." I smiled at him impressed and he smirked also. 

"Tell me Y/N... Are you currently seeing someone?" The question can mean many things if taken out of context but in this context is 'Are you dating someone'. 

"Sort of? I mean I'm looking at you right now~" I smirked at him and he chuckled. 

"You know what I mean~" He got closer to me and our faces met again. 

"Not really... at least we haven't made it official" I step away from him and a hum was heard.

"Who is this lucky person?" He asked and I looked at him for a while before returning.

"Guess! I know you like guessing games~" I walked away from the board and sat at the edge of his bed, he followed and sat at his desk chair then turned to me. 

"Is it one of those that keeps interrupting us?" Edogawa Ranpo and Edgar Allan Poe... nope, I saw them as competitors and as people, I have to protect when I can so I shook my head. "No~? Hmm...? Is it even someone I have seen?" I nodded. "Alright..."

"I'll give you one more chance to guess~" He chuckled and then thought for a while.

"I doubt this but might as well guess... Nikolai Gogol?" I almost laughed but managed to let out a chuckle. "I'll take that as a no... then please do tell..." 

"Fine, but close your eyes" He did and I hesitated, am I really gonna do this? I still have no idea if I like him or not... or are my feelings being manipulated by Him? I don't know.

I got closer to him, bending a little and getting closer to his face, the light gently lighting his face making it more beautiful. I got slightly closer and he flinched a little feeling my breath on him, and then I closed my eyes as our lips touched. I stayed there until he reached for my head, his hand gently intertwined with my hair, caressing it slowly but surely. 

When we pulled away he was red but had a soft smile on his face and then he pulled me but it was for a hug, I hugged him back and then he pushed me and then stood. His face wasn't red anymore and was the usual face, I was gonna ask why he suddenly do that but then I hear howling behind me.

"Oh Goddammit!" It was Nikolai, he must've tried to capture us together. 

"Are you embarrassed?" I teased Fyodor.

"*Clears throat* Not really, but I do not appreciate that he tried to a portrait of us without our consent" He was gonna walk to the door but I hand, and twirl him around till I grab his waist. 

"Who cares~ What matter is us~" His face stunt but slowly turned red as a tomato and I laughed as I let him go, he was so stunt he fell to his bed and then covered his face, he mumbled. "What?"

"Stop laughing!" He showed me his face and it was a blushing mess and I laughed more. "What part of- Come here!" He grabbed me and threw me to the bed and then pinned me down. "Who's flustered now~?" He had both of his hands on either side of my head.

"Still you~" I managed to say covering the fact that my voice was pretty much shaking.

"I give up!" He plopped down beside me and turned to me. "So I must ask... what are we now?" I pondered a little while, his an ex-criminal that only recently stopped and I am someone he just met and is a secret that we sent to execute him. 

"What do you want us to be?" I asked him when all of a sudden he disappeared and then I was on the front sofa. "What the-" 

"We know why you're getting close to Mr. Doesvsky..." Sigma explained, Fyodor was trying to break free from Nikolai's grasp and did. 

"What are you two doing?" Fyodor protested and then I stood, how did he know?

"You know what you're doing and now that the both of us know I hope you'll leave us alone..." I looked at Fyodor and he looked angry but then calmed down when he looked at me, he nodded. 

I backed away and waited for a portal that opened a few seconds later, going through it I took one last glance at Fyodor before actually walking through the portal. I showed up in front of the ADA as those walked out, I didn't want them to see so I hid. I decided to try and find somewhere to stay since the little place I was staying at is blown into smithereens, my phone rang and it was the one my boss knew about. I sighed and answered.

"Yes sir?" I asked and waited for a response only to hear laughter. 

"Hah! I told you idiots there's no way they would fall for their trap, I have trained them better!" He seemed to be speaking to someone else. "Y/N, dear I want to come back to the manor right now and tell me everything you know of the Seraph after that you're 'free' again," He said quite cheerfully, it was weird to hear him happy he usually has a pissed off voice presents but now.

I carefully went to the manor making sure no one followed me, I found the abandoned manor and climb the walls to get in. Slipping myself in from the little crack of the door I was in, I walked a little to see the carpet floor stepping on it a little bit of the edge the trap door opened revealing a staircase down, it was dark while going down so I used my ability to be able to see the way.

When I made it down it was like a whole manor, there was an opening all the way to the bottom floor, and the place was decorated as if it was a normal manor but it wasn't. Kids at very young ages roam the halls face down murmuring questions, problems, and the solution as their lives depend on it. The walls were covered with glassed articles of those who went through this academia and became successful but that's a lie.

The academia mentioned in those glasses is real but the real one? Real academia is just an opportunity to collect talented and powerful experiments. Those who are guaranteed to lose and prove no service to academia and experiment are allowed to go through normal academia while those who are too talented and powerful such as me will go through absolute hell to please the grand master.

I knocked and he answered, behind the door was a metal room with panels on a slanted table, and on top of that was a clear glass with every protection that could be asked. Beyond the glass however was their newest favorite test subject, a little boy with some ability I wasn't really keen on learning. I cleared my throat trying to ignore the painful screams coming from the buy.

"Master, my report for the information I have learned about the Seraphs... is that all is there something else you want from me?" I turned to the door but paused to ask.

"Yes actually!" He finally stopped pressing a button that shut whatever was happening to the boy and finally looked at me. "I'm here to inform you about your... life..." I raised an eyebrow, I turned to him. "Yes, you see, due to you keep dying for a bunch of reasons when you come back lesser and lesser memory you keep from your past life correct?" I nodded. "Well then, I have created something to help you with that! You can finally use this gun to store and remind you of events that happened in your past" He gave me a gun and it was quite heavy. "That's all you can go back to those boys you like so much" I stare at the gun and him repeatedly.

"Master... why are you... helping me with this? You never cared and shouldn't  the others be the ones giving this to me?" I felt my heart rate raise, his never kind which means something really bad is about happen, he chuckled as he turned to me.

"You just helped me achieve something I have been aiming for my whole life! of course, I want to thank you in person! Now, until further notice you are off the hook, no spies, no tracking, no nothing so just keep your phone on okay? Sounds good? Good." He pushed me through the doors and closed the door behind me.

What did I do? What should I do now? WHAT DID I DO??????????? I THOUGHT THIS WAS THE SAFEST OPTION??????????? DID I SCREW UP???????? WAS I TRICKED?????????? CAN I FIX IT??????? WHO SHOULD I ASK FOR HELP????????????


   To Be Continued 

2196 words

Forbidden Touch (Fyodor Dostoevsky x reader/OC) BSDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ