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Okay... I'm pretty sure everyone has seen the new Episode so...

I'd like to say that I might continue this book (But I will take a long time to do so as I'm also on another brain rot also...) that being said 

I want to say that pretend this is an alternate universe where Nobody dies cause I am the author of this book B)  and now let me convince you all on a theory of why Fyodor might be alive while you all wait for a new chapter! 

I (sadly) feel like Bones is making their own ending where yes... Fyodor will die as for the manga... YEAH, HE'LL LIVE THAT BISHH HAS THOUGHT OF HOW THE WORLD DIE So this a like cutting a cake for him... and with a lot of theories around on TT I have faith in a lot of them (Especially that BSD Is literally a big metaphor and uses a lot of metaphors) so save to say the ending is still hanging on the edge but I genuinely believe that he will live (For all we know this whole prison arc could be a apart of Fyodors plan to trick Nikolai and be "Unleash" from everyone's supervision to continue what he as planning as he was planning for Nikolai to die originally but look where we are...As for how he is I say... Multi dimension! There was a theory that the Akutagawa (And Fukuchi-Monster-thing) we saw at the ending was from another dimension so Fyodor and Other Dimension Fyodor worked together and convinced OD-Nikolai to escape Fyodor... Or Fyodor has written that he would never until every ability users in the world is gone and that will be when he can finally be killed...

  Thank you for reading and I hope everyone has a great day! <3 

Also, heal by watching Bernadette again my fellow Fyolai Shippers I'm debating on making this a Fyolai x reader but I can't I'm into deep... please give me your thoughts on TWT

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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Forbidden Touch (Fyodor Dostoevsky x reader/OC) BSDWhere stories live. Discover now