𝑰'𝒎 𝑵𝒐𝒕 𝑨 𝑹𝒐𝒃𝒐𝒕

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Kelly and Stella hashed out their differences in Kelly's office. Kelly opening up to his wife. The previous night at the loft had really effected Kelly. Seeing how upset Stella had become over the call where they disagreed. If it had been just about the call, it would of been a easy fix. But it wasn't just about the call, not even close. Stella conveying her true feelings about not being able to separate Kelly from a co lieutenant and her husband. If the RPG incident hadn't occurred, would this even be a issue? Maybe not. The reality was it had happened. Stella was deeply effected by what had happened inside that house. Many realizations had blindsided her. Kelly was an amazing lieutenant, she was in awe of him and leading his team daily. Even, as she was a leader herself now would on many times go to Kelly for advice and guidance. With that being said, she couldn't just see him as an outstanding lieutenant. He was her husband now. Their dynamic was different now. Stella could not turn off those emotions. She was not able to even at work ignore the fact, he was not just a lieutenant. They are married. In Kelly's office. He made sure to let her know, he too had many emotions when it came to his wife. He was also well aware, Stella was not his co lieutenant but his wife.

"I'm not a robot"
"Stella, If I let my guard down and let myself worry everytime your in harms way, I will fall apart"
"If you saw me during that RPG call, you would know. I can unravel when it comes to you. That's never happened to me before"


"Yes. Really"

That was a confession, Stella never knew. It wasn't just her that struggled with their dynamic, it effected Kelly too.

After the boat call. It was a humble moment for the married couple. Working as a team together to free the victims. Having their previous conversation. Both listened to one another and worked together as a team. In that moment, Stella knew they didn't need to work apart, on separate shifts. They just needed to make sure to talk about how their feeling. Kelly had felt better about things after their conversation but he was still plagued. Thinking Stella even for a second thought he wasn't effected on calls when it came to her, especially the RPG call.

As they returned to 51. Stella followed her husband to his quarters. Stella was sensing, knowing her husband well. Something was weighing his thoughts.

"Kelly, is everything OK?"

"Yeah. Everything is OK"

"Kelly. Come on. Talk to me. Remember, we need to talk things out"

"Stel. I don't want to open old wounds. But, I really need you to know how I was feeling at the RPG incident. I know we hashed this out already. It's just, I need you to know what a complete mess I was. I was unraveling at the seams. Once I was able to call for my team to run in for a search and rescue. I was running on pure adrenalin. I felt like I couldn't breathe. Ordering the boys to go here and there. Seeing Carver, then Pryma. Frantically searching the room for you. It was probably the worst moment of my life. My heart felt like it had literally stopped as I spotted you, laying sideways up against the wall...not moving. Screaming your name. Not knowing if you were conscious, hell even alive. Those few seconds while leaping towards you, desperately screaming your name was a moment I NEVER, EVER want to relive"
"Even later at the hospital. While you were in surgery. I went out to the waiting room to update our family. I broke down. Tears welling up in my eyes as I gave everyone the good news. That didn't matter. My emotions came flooding out. I couldn't stop myself. I was a wreck. I came that close to losing you. Imagining what you went through in that house, not able to protect you. So I just need you to really know. When your in harms way. It damages me to the core. It breaks me into a million pieces. You are my wife. My whole damn world. As a lieutenant I do have a job to do but I need to make something crystal clear. As important as my career is to me. Being a lieutenant or a fire investigator. I always have loved what I do for a living. It's been my calling as far back as I can remember. NOTHING and I mean NOTHING is more important than you. I need you to really believe me when I say, You are the only love of my life that truly matters. When you hurt, I hurt.

"Ohhhh. Kelly. I'm so sorry for calling you a robot. And making it seem you don't care the way I care. I know you do. I can only imagine how you felt outside of that house. I know you love me more than anything. I just allowed, my emotions and fears get the best of me. It would destroy me to not be able to work with you everyday. I never want to work different shifts. I was thinking irrationally. I love you Kelly, so much."

"I love you so much, Stella"

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