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Chapter 15

A month later and now it's time for me to go

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A month later and now it's time for me to go. I had 24 hours left to tell Ghost I was leaving but I didn't have the courage to.

I spent the whole day forgetting about the whole mission I was required to go to in a few hours.

I had spent the whole day with him. Even though he didn't like going out I still forced him to come along. We walked around town and ate.

I tried my best to tell him when we were at the restaurant we ate at but the waiter distracted him so I didn't bother to tell him.

We got home and I seen everyone was here. By everyone I mean Soap, Gaz, Ghost and I. Ghost went outside to get some air and the two other boys sat down on the couch.

I walked into my room. Grabbing my duffel bag and putting a bunch of clothes in it. I then heard yelling from the living room. I walked to the living room seeing Ghost and Soap yelling.

"What the fuck do you mean she's leaving Johnny?!" Ghost raised his voice at Soap.

"Ghost relax. She knew you were going to react like this!" Soap decided to yell at him back

"You knew this whole time Johnny?! You knew she was leaving and you didn't tell me?!" Ghost grabs Soap's collar.

I decided to enter the living room "Simon let him go!" Ghost heard me but didn't listen.

"Let him go! don't hurt him!" him let go and started walking towards me making me walk backwards then being stopped by the wall

"I was going to tell you but I didn't know how you were going to react Simon." A tear slipped down my cheek.

"It's Ghost to you." he stared at me with is cold eyes. They were no longer the eyes I once knew before.

"You're dead to me Phantom." I shook my head "No No No, don't say that! You don't mean that!!" I grabbed his face "I mean every word I said!" he pulled out of my grip and was about to leave the room

"Why didn't you just tell me." he shook his head.

"You said you wouldn't leave me and I trusted you. But I should've known you're just like the rest." He left.

"Y/N...I didn't mean to say anything it slipped out—" "it's fine Soap, I'm just going to finish packing up." I walked backed to my room.

I felt alone. I was alone. Now.

I heard my door opened. "You promised me." I turned to see Ghost standing there. "I don't wanna fight right now Ghost" "You fucking promised me you wouldn't leave and you promised you wouldn't hide anything from me"
"I had no choice Ghost! Price would've said no to you in the beginning if you wanted to tag along."

"There's no limits when it comes to you. I'll do anything to keep you safe." I sat down and listened to him talk.

"It hurts knowing you weren't going to tell me and just leave." "Ghost. I tried but I just couldn't." I sighed

"if I could take it all back I would Ghost. I fucking would. I would go back to the first day Price told me about the mission and made sure you were the first to know about it. But I was sca—"

"Scared of what Y/N?! Scared of me hitting you just like your father would do when you tried to say something!" his words shot a bullet through my heart.

"Look I know I made a mistake but you don't need to bring my past into this! Stop being a complete asshole for once!!" Tears were now coming out of my eyes.

"I can never do anything right. Everything fucks up in the end. Hell who even knows I might fuck up the mission. I know I should have told you sooner and I'm really sorr—"
Ghost interrupted me

"Sorry isn't going to fix shit Y/N! sorry never helps!" "Stop fucking yelling at me!" Tears after Tears came down my face. I got up and walk towards him

"honestly fuck you! If you weren't such a complete dick I would've told you without any hesitation! Look how you're reacting all you could've said was 'good luck on your mission Y/N' but no you turn this shit into a whole ass argument! Fuck you Ghost, FUCK YOU!!" I sat back down and put my head into my hands.

"I know we both don't want this, but you have to understand that I want to be useful to this team so leaving to this mission will make me feel useful and will help us a lot. So I need you to grow up and stop babying me!" Ghost sighed and shook his head.


Everyone decided to tag along to drop me off at base. Even Ghost joined after the whole fight. I seen Price waiting by the helicopter.

'That just be my ride to Las Almas.'

"Just in time Y/N! You ready?" I nodded. I turned around and hugged everyone. "Be safe out there L.T!" Soap smiled and hugged me. I eventually stopped at Ghost. I stood there.

He stood there in silence. "I know sorry won't help but I am. I'm sure we'll see each other soon. I promise" I put my hand out for him to shake it but he refused forgetting he probably doesn't trust me anymore. I grabbed my bags and walked into the helicopter.

"Good luck Y/N!" Everyone waved Goodbye except for Ghost. He stood there with his arms cross.

"Lieutenant Y/N" I walked out of the helicopter. "Colonel Vargas" I exited out of the helicopter "Alejandro is fine Phantom" I nodded. "Let's get this mission started" we headed towards the car. Rodolfo was in the driver sit. "It's been a while" Rodolfo smiled "it sure has, let's get to work boys" Rodolfo drove to Alejandro's base.

"One of my people will take your stuff to your room. For now let's head to my office." I nodded and followed behind him. "Laswell sent me a location where Hassan can be at" he showed me a file of the location.

"Tomorrow we check here at night and go on from there. If he's not there we keep looking until we have to bring Task force 141 into this" Rodolfo and I nodded.

We all exited out the room and Rodolfo brought me to my room. "Here we are" I thank him and entered. I seen that my bags were on the floor next to the door. I grabbed them and brought them into my new room. I opened the closet and put my bags in there. I laid on the bed and faced the ceiling.

I ended up falling asleep.

CAN'T KILL A GHOST | Simon 'Ghost' Riley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now