Secret sins

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The secret sins that lives with in me I lost hope and faith

Went the opposite
direction of you , I didn't care to see my flaws  I didn't trust and believe you

  Couldn't fathom why u would let such terrible things happen to me

But didn't understand I was causing myself pain without you 

My choices wasn't of you so it cause such pain , sometimes I could feel the blood boiling in my veins

Scars on top of scars , that's not completely healed; without you they won't be

I need you to cater to me as I obey you  , I need you to help me understand as I walk by you

Forgive me for my secrets sins Lord

Help me to be the young lady u want me to be , Help me unlock my path of success 

In God I trust In God I love I am a baby that's needs to be fed , speak to me and I will listen ; you are by my side .

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