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I'm conflicted and so outspoken but can't speak feel so restricted!

They're just words, words with significance, that not many can comprehend but will take out of contexts.

Spoke so clearly and sworn I hit the target but failed miserably.
Feel so stupid but not just misunderstood.

Not shamed but feel insane going on rants that will never come to be.

Was inspired and tapped into my creative ability and with that, I take pride in it.

Words are a mind game
a competition not many can compete in.
Leaving people with cliffhangers is immaculate.

Leaning on anything
they can, something so simple people make so difficult with their presumptive ways.

I want to leave you with this, not for you to comprehend from my point of you but for you to get the gist of it.
Am I speaking for you or me?

Learning more and more each time I put my thoughts on documents; charmed by it.

Even when I write a piece I don't know how to deliver but I know I wrote with purpose

Retrack   *chuckles* "leaving people with cliffhangers is immaculate " in plain sight I take pleasure in being mysterious.
Will you get it? I'm very doubtful.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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