Drews Rampage

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When Jake was about to walk into his next class his bullies had attempted to stab him, they told him he would never become a singer and he should just die Jake broke down in tears before he could even get into his class he ran to the washroom to wash the tears off his face, Drew saw him running down the hall and decided to follow him, he sat in the stall next to the one Jake was crying in and he felt terrible, Jake was whimpering things to himself such as "I'm useless, I don't deserve to live etc." Drew wanted to say something but he didn't want Jake to know he was there so he stayed silent. Jake had left his stall to wash the tears off his face and Drew watched through the cracks in the stall he was in, Jake had left to go to class and Drew waited in the stall to not make it suspicious, then he went to class also, Jake had red circles under his eyes, the teachers left the class to get some paper then everyone started calling him a crybaby completely tormenting him! Drew had enough of this and decided to curse everyone out, he bribed Zoey to record what they were saying to Jake, Zoey only said yes because Drew persuaded her with money. Jake blank-stared at the wall with tears streaming down his face he was reliving his middle school life again, and was having suicidal thoughts. They laughed at him so he covered his eyes to avoid people knowing he was crying but his sleeves had fallen down and everyone could see the scars on his wrists and that's when Drew had snapped,  Zoey was still recording the situation. Drew was telling everyone to leave Jake alone and he was completely cursing out his classmates, Zander started an argument while Hailey had stayed silent, Hailey crawled over to Jake and grabbed him by his wrist and dragged him outside the class to help him stay safe.

Jake was confused and Hailey said "I'm sorry Jake, I don't want this to happen to you anymore it's really overwhelming you probably didn't want my help because you hate us now but I still wanted to help you out you seemed really stressed." Jake stared at Hailey for a moment and started to cry, he thought to himself "Hailey is talking to me again!" and he just thanked Hailey for taking him out of the classroom, the teacher had came back he saw Hailey and Jake in the hallway and asked why they were outside, Jake had said "ask Zoey" the teacher went inside the classroom and was flabbergasted! Zander and Drew were having a fistfight they were both sent to the office and the teacher asked Zoey why they were fighting, she showed the teacher the video she took and most of the class got suspended, Jake and Hailey got escorted inside by the teacher saying it's calm inside now and Jake saw how many students got sent home, he was relieved that it wasn't chaos anymore and took Hailey's hand to take her inside the classroom since she was paranoid, Jake sat in Drew's seat since Drew wasn't in class, he just talked to Henry and Liam despite the fact there was only 5 students left in the class including, Henry, Liam, Hailey, Jake & Lia, Zoey had got sent down to the office for recording a fight. The bell had rang for the lunch bell and the cafeteria was empty, Drew was in detention so was Zander so Jake finally had a chance to catch up with Hailey again, he managed to explain why he said those things to the club and Hailey had hugged him, Jake was shocked she would even hear him out like that they talked until next block. After that block it was dismissal, when Jake was walking home he felt a shiver down his spine and he didn't know why. When he had got to his house he had saw his mother hitting Milo outside in front of a burning house his dad didn't come home from work yet so Jake was confused then he realized it was HIS house that was burning down Milo got blamed for the fire but Milo was trying to explain it was some highschooler's he was neighbour's with, Jake immediately knew who did this. Sooner or later the firefighters showed up and gave them a temporary home to live in.

Jake was stressed at what had happened, so he decided to ask Drew if he could come over and Milo also. Drew obviously said yes and when they got there Jake explained why he had asked to come over, Drew invited Liam and Henry over to help take Jake's mind off of the incident, they all slept over at Drews house and they had a blast! Jake woke up around 3 AM to a phone call from his mother, she asked where he is and he said he ran away with Milo (which was an obvious lie) and she fell for it and asked them to come home right now, he said no and hung up the phone. He went back to sleep and when he woke up again he asked Drew if it's possible Drew could let me and Milo live there for a bit after he explained why Drew politely accepted, Milo was hyped and Jake was relieved. They all went to school, Drew had drove Milo to his school, Drew was late to class but he didn't mind as long as his best bud was safe he was fine, Jake had gotten called to the office and he was terrified when walking down the hallways. When he got into the office the principal said "your mother is calling to see if you are okay" Jakes heart skipped a beat he was petrified, Jake said "why?" the principal replied with "well according to your mother you had ran away from home so she's coming to pick you up" Jake screamed and ran out of the office and into class grabbing Drews wrist and taking him outside he asked Drew to go pick up Milo and drive us home, Drew agreed without hesitation because Jake looked scared the moment Milo got picked up Drew drove them home and they just stayed there for the rest of the day, Drew had gone home early and Jake didn't know why, Drew had said he had gotten suspended for "disrespectful behaviour" even though he was just defending Jake because his bullies were talking about him and Drew had overheard, soon they had to make rant assignments for class talking about a pet-peeve you have and Drew picked "Jakes Bullies" as his topic. Jake wasn't at school for an entire week and only The Jomies knew why he was absent.

Soon enough it was time to present their rants and Drew was first, he loaded up his PowerPoint on the projector and started his presentation... "Dear Daniel, Tommy and Ace I hate you my biggest pet-peeve about you guys is about how cruel you are to poor Jake and all because he has a passion for singing you bully him because of that, that is just so cruel I hate it and then I get detention for sticking up for my friend like do you want me to let him get bullied? No! I hope you all get massive karma for being rude to poor Jake it hurts me to even say this but bullying isn't a 'trend' nor is it cool just stop. and that is the end of my rant thank you for listening!" Daniel, Tommy and Ace were furious, Hailey was in tears, Zander was shocked, Luke was also shocked and Drew was proud of himself. The teacher asked Drew to sit down with a very rude tone, everyone else presented their rants and when everyone got their marks Drew was the only one with an A+ he was surprised he even got a good grade for a rant about someone bullying someone else, Drew texted Jake about his mark and Jake was happy for Drew, Jake finally went back to school, he walked to the school doors and opened it, but the moment he did he saw Zoey standing there with an angry look on her face, she death stared Jake then slapped him and ran off, Hailey had saw it all than she ran up to Jake and...

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