Chapter 12 - Fanning The Flames

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𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖

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𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖.

Reese's Perspective

Brooke texts me Saturday evening, asking me if I want to hang out Sunday afternoon, which is perfect. I'm super excited. I have to tell her about everything that has happened with Antoine, and my plan for more payback.

So, Sunday morning, she picks me up. All we're doing is going for a drive, to catch up. To do what friends do when they haven't seen each other in way too long. Simply spend time. Run our mouths until we're completely out of breath.

I walk to her car, wearing a long necklace tucked into a light pink sweater and light, faded, high-waisted blue jeans. Brooke looks a lot better, like usual. Her makeup is done up, she has her hair in a perfect high ponytail, and she's wearing a loose button down, black ripped jeans, and sunglasses on her forehead. She's so pretty. She can look good in anything. Sometimes I still marvel that a girl like her just decided one day to be friends with a girl like me.

She is the one who is going to be super successful. She has dreams of being a model. Probably going to marry some hot sports star and be the richest woman alive. That's good for her. It really is.

I tell her everything about Antoine, and I grin at the pride in her smile when I tell her what I told Antoine, and beating him up. She says, "You go girl. Finally saying to that boy that you're not gonna let him push you around anymore! I'm proud of you!"

I grin. "Thanks. So now we have to both work at a soup kitchen for community service, right? He has double the hours. It's because of the alcohol thing, with me selling it and everything. Oh well. I think I really tore Antoine, which is awesome. He didn't say a word to me yesterday, and kept his eyes on the floor or the food he was preparing. He seemed scared of me, almost, which I loved. I've been scared of him for years. Finally he knows how it feels. It makes me feel powerful."

"Cuz you are!" she grins. "Gosh, Reese, that's awesome."

I nod. "So he's weak now, right? He didn't even tell the police officer that I was the one who bruised him up when he was asked. He could of, but he was too scared to! Oh, and speaking of that police officer, his name is Officer Brink, he'll be at the soup kitchen whenever we are, and he is hot."

"Oh really? How does he look?"

"Beautiful cheekbones... Pale skin... Blue eyes... He's so tall. Man, I can't even describe him to justice. He's just hot. So that's, like, the only bonus to the soup kitchen. The hot officer."

"Gosh, I never thought I'd say this, but I'm jealous of you doing community service at a soup kitchen. He sounds like a heartthrob, that's for sure."

"That definitely is a good word for him," I smile. "Anyway, back to Antoine. So since I have this advantage over him, and I've obviously hit the mark, I want to make his fears come true. Make everyone dislike him. So I have a plan. It's going to be hard, but if you're willing, I think it could be great."

"What is it...?"

"Antoine is a hot footballer. You're a pretty cheerleader... If you get with Antoine, which wouldn't be too hard, and you catch him saying something, anything, that could be used against him, discretely record him. Plus, he's not bad looking, Antoine is, so maybe you could actually take the time to at least enjoy his looks, you know? I couldn't do it, because we already hate each other, and I'm not even pretty enough in the first place. So what do you think?" I expect beautiful, sweet Brooke to decline.

But apparently sympathy and loyalty to a friend overcomes goodwill and a sweet heart. Revenge is stronger than a good person. She grins, "I'm in. And I could totally do it. I've heard Antoine and his friends talking, and I'm pretty sure Antoine already has a crush on me to begin with, so this is perfect. I mean, it won't be hard, me being the lead cheerleader and him being the star footballer. It will be a typically high school romance, gone completely wrong. I love it! Reese, I love it! Monday after school, I'll find Antoine, bring him alone, fake emotions, because I have a talent of doing that, and convince him I like him. Convince him I'd like to date. And I'll bet all my college savings he will say yes!"

 I grin, hugging her, laughing. I feel so black and cold, but it's wonderful. Revenge feels wonderful. Especially on someone who ruined my life. Someone who hurt and tore me apart. Someone who really does deserve revenge.

Antoine Griezmann.

I am getting revenge on Antoine Griezmann. Stage one of that has been fulfilled. Now we're onto stage two. I wonder if there will be more stages of this revenge. I wonder if he'll fight back. I wonder if I'm doing something wrong. I wonder if it's a sin.

Oh, never mind. I know it's a sin.

But can sins be good? Because I think this sin is perfect.

I'm just giving him what he deserves. I could call is justice. Who ever said justice was bad? He ruined my life, so since I have the opportunity to, why wouldn't I ruin his life right back? I have never gotten this opportunity, so I sure as hell better use it, now that it's presented to me.

In all this planning and wondering, not knowing what his reactions will be, but hoping they're in my favor, there is one thing that I am completely, one hundred percent, with all my heart sure of.

I am sure that I will not regret whatever will come next. Regret is not an option. It just isn't.

Regret doesn't come with revenge and anger. Not this strong.

I will not allow regret.

Right now, I want nothing but to fan my flames of hate for Antoine Griezmann.

𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒔 // 𝙰𝚗𝚝𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝙶𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚣𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚗Where stories live. Discover now