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Daily life is normal for me. But sometimes it isn't because the only thing I remember is that they experimented on me. They try to make something for war... I knew why they did that. Because they want to make super soldiers to win the war. I knew that because I can read their mind. They didn't know I had it, but only they know I have other powers. They put the collar on my neck. If I try something without their permission or try to sneak them out. They will shock me. But I'm so smart, I never try it for once. But I still read their minds without them knowing.

I relaxed and read a book to learn some language. Everything is as normal as daily life. I look at the wall clock, It is about noon, and I know it is time to start training soon. But I started to hear their thoughts. I look at my thick door confused. Everyone out of my room is panicking in their minds. Then I jumped, started at some gunshots, and screamed. I heard some of my friends' minds go silent. I knew they killed every subject once the secret laboratory was discovered. But I don't want to die. I went climbing to the ceiling and stayed in corners as I waited for someone to open and enter. I see it is a man with a gun. I jumped down to him and killed him by scratching his throat with my claw. Then I get out of my room.

I see everyone run around in panic. They try leaving, some stay to destroy or gather evidence. I try to hide from them so I would not die... I will defend myself if necessary. I did fight some soldiers who tried to destroy evidence... Including me. Thank you for training to be a soldier. I kept fighting and killing them until no one was there. I found myself alone in this laboratory after a silent fall. I tried to get out of this laboratory but found out they locked me out and only can unlock it outside of the laboratory. No one can get out of this. I'm stuck here... Alone in the laboratory.

I lost count of the day once the wall clock stopped working. I never see day or light. I'm stuck in the laboratory. Everything changes over time. Some metal slowly became rust due to that secret underground laboratory in the snowy mountains. I remember I see people who come and go wearing thick clothes. But the inside is somehow warm because I keep it running well. Only some rooms are good that I need to use. To keep me warm. There was no water or food. But I'm never hungry or thirsty because I'm not human. I'm just subject to them. The experiment subject is the nameless female clone who is a shapeshifter with a telepath. No one knew I would stay in this abandoned underground laboratory forever.

I just practice fighting to kill time until I start to hear someone's thoughts. I jolted as I looked at the wall. There are four people. They come to the rediscovered laboratory. I sneak to hide from them as they open the heavily for first time from long time. I noticed they are not from old times. They are in modern times because I see their clothes are different and their techs seem improve these times. But... I'm scared that they will see me and try to kill me.

Or they are not?

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