chapter 2

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I'm back! I'm sorry for late update due to move out to new apartment.



S-500141 POV

I woke quickly as I gasped. I look around to find myself in my own room. Soap is sitting by my side. "Ah, you are awake." soap look at me. I look at him before I get up. I look around to see Ghost stand and lean to the table while Gaz and Price stand by the door.

"You did change every person's appearance while Ghost pulled the bullet. You can be anyone?" Soap asked in curiosity. I chuckled softly and nodded, "Yeah. Man, woman, adult, or child. But this face is the true form. They use this chosen dna to make clones."

Soap nodding as understanding before Price went to them, "May I ask you. You know what we look for? I remembered you said you can read our mind."

I nodded softly, "Yes sir. I know where this is. But I can't promise you there will be. I gather everything to stock the main room." I look at my legs carefully before I get up.

"Let me help." Soap went to help me grab the winter clothes to wear before walking to the main room. There were a lot of papers, boxes, and other things. "This is one. I don't know what you guys are looking for." I said.

I watch them search and dig something. "May I ask you, Captain Price. What is your goal for this abandoned lab?"

"I thought you should know by reading our mind?" Price looks at me which makes me confused and starts reading their mind to see what the past in their plan is. Once I found that it caused me to widen my eyes, "No... Are you pulling my leg?"

"Why am I there when I have a problem?" he asked as raise his eyebrow.

That is actually no way.

"They still run the fucking subject?!" I yelled as I looked down at the table to see the paper, "it was more than 80 years ago! There is no way..." then I noticed their mind. They need my help.

"There is no cure. Or another way to stop this madness. There is no paper you can find. But I can. Because everything is in my mind." I said seriously as I looked at Price. "I will help you to stop them."

Soap POV

I watched them as they talked about The subject. I can't take my eyes off that beautiful woman. I looked at her long (H/C), (S/C), (E/C), and (L/C). She wore just one bathing suit that hugged her (B/S) that hid in Nazi's winter coat.

I snapped to reality when Ghost elbowed my arm. "Are you alright? You stare at her for a while."

"Aye, I never believed the shapeshifter was real." I chuckled before I looked at them when Price called us. "We have taken her with us for her knowledge. But you find her, that means you take her in your care."

"Yes sir." Soap said as look at her. She looked back at me and smiled.

After Price dismissed us, I take her to her room. "Can you tell me about you. From beginning that you come this world?"

She looked at me and smiled, "Sure. There I can't hide from you guys. I will answer everything you question."

"They never gave you the name, did they?" I asked that first thing.

She sighed, "They never give us names but numbers. My subject number is S-500141." She paused before contuire, "Letter S is Subject. 50 is tank number that I borned from. Their total is 50 tanks. 141 is number of clone. There are 140 clones before me... But they are failure subjects."

That made me wonder what happened to these failure subjects, "What happens to them if they find they fail...?"

She gave me a sad smile, "They take them to the room to kill. They put the body to be cremated to ash. We, the subjects, called that room "Final door." Of course, I miss them. But there we can't do anything. We are just the Lab rat to them. There is another reason I left all their bodies. I can't help myself to not go to that Final door. So... I put good people in another room which is a "Grave" for them. And I left bad people where they fell."

I understand why she does that. She is lonely and trapped which she can't get out of. I asked another question, "May you take me on a tour of this lab? To kill time."

She looked at me and smiled, "Sure."

S-500141 POV

He and I walked around the whole floor plan. I explained to him each room, the main room, training room, and Clone room. But the Clone room is closed which is security. I pressed the password which still worked. But the door is rusty and hard to open so Soap and I help to force it open. Soap can see the whole room is lot of tanks like I told him there are 50 tanks. Most are destroyed, some broken due to a shoot to kill the clone. And some are empty, nothing broken but rust and dirty. I went to # 50 tanks at last in the row. I look up to that empty, but fill dirty water. "This is the one I borned that tank." I said as I pointed to that. "I have some pictures of them. I went to the file folder lay on the table. It is an old picture from the 1940s in this folder and I gave it to him.

I see he is awesome when he sees the picture. "You are in that tank?" he asked.

"Yes, sir." I smiled but stopped, "But still.... I felt it was wrong. I learned about how Humans cycle. I knew I may be human but... I'm a clone. I have someone's DNA to grow into a different person. I borned as a newborn in my 20 years old body. 80 years later, I am still stuck in my 20 years old body. Which is older than you. I'm 81 years old." I felt sad inside but change to warm when I saw Soap's mind when he was shocked to learn about my real age.

"81?!" He was shocked, "How are you still alive?"

"Well, there they created that I can be immoral. I can live without food and water. But I can eat or drink like normal. BUT I can die, only by accident and kill." I explained more and looked at him.

Soap wants to ask some more. But I stopped him when I heard Ghost's mind as he appeared, "Soap, the storm has stopped, we have to leave here."

We nodded and went to get their backpack and coat. I see Price, Gaz, and Ghost go to the exit. I took a deep breath as I heard Soap say, "Are you ready?" He supported me since I can't walk due to a wound on my thigh.

"Yes, I'm ready." I nodded as I looked at the door.

I'm free.


(H/C) hair color

(S/C) skin color

(E/C) eyes color

(L/C) lip color

(B/S) body shape

1146 words

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