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It's the day of my surgery.

I never thought I'd be in here. But then again I would have never thought I'd be with Toby.

Yesterday after Toby brought me out to the garden and asked me to be his girlfriend, we went on a walk around the whole hospital.

I'm pretty suprised at how big this place is. Toby also went out to get coffee, and these really good twist donuts that have whip cream in the center.

Toby stayed all night too, we watched his favorite show, The Agents Of Shield. I actually enjoyed the show, so I might watch more.

I still can't get over how he asked me to be his girlfriend. everytime I think about it I start smiling like a fool.

"Why do you keep smiling still?" Asks Toby

"Because I am just so happy."

"Well I am too." Toby says getting up and sitting on the bed facing me. "So are you ready?"

"Oh well half half I guess." I reply

"Okay well I'll be waiting right out side the room for you."

"Thank you." I lean over to him and kiss his cheek. Then Toby starts to change a little shade of pink. "Your blushing this time."

Just then a lady walks in with a gray folder. This time it's not the same lady though. She has black hair and blue eyes.

"Hello Ashley I was just going to say I will be your surgeon and it the surgery will be in just a few minutes."

"Okay." I answer

She then walks out the room. Everything is silent. Me And Toby just sit there watching the clock tick. When about ten minutes pass, the same lady with black hair walks in followed by my doctor.

Toby stands up, turns around and grabs my hand. He gives me a little squeeze then bends down to kiss my forehead.

"Miss Reye are you ready."

"I guess." I sigh

"Great, nurse Leana go ahead strap her in."

What im guessing is nurse Leana, starts to wrap a black strap around my legs ands chest.

Toby then lets go off my hand, and they start rolling me out. We turn around a few corners untill we stop at a door. He presses a button and the door swings open. We start heading in, and then we stop in he middle of the room.

He places a mask over my head, which surprisingly smells like strawberries. All of a suddon I see nothing but blackness.

Toby's POV...

After I see the doctor and the nurse roll Ashley out of the hospital room, I started walking to the waiting room because that's where I promised her i would be.

When I walked in I found Will, Her Mom, Danielle, and Sam. I go walk over there, and everyone smiles up at me. I take a seat across from Will, and next to Sam.

"So how was Ashley before she left?" Asks Danielle

"Good." I answer.

I really don't like letting her go, expecialy not now. Not after what we did yesterday. Not after she said yes. Not after I let go of her hand.

"Big question is how are you Toby?" Will asks

"Not so good."

"Why not?" Her mom asks

Heres why not. Why not is because she just got sent away to a surgery room to have surgery on her lung. And she could possibly never come out.

"I don't really want to speak about this." I say sadly.

"Sam lets go to the Cafeteria." Danielle says grabbing Sam's hand and running out of the room.

"I'm gunna go get a coffee you two boys stay put." Says Mrs. Reye. she then walks out and it's just me and Will.

"So you like-"

"I aksed to her to be my girlfriend." I blurt out

"Yeah. And what did she say?"

"She said yes." I reply

"Is that why your quiet?"

I nod my head yes. "It's just I don't want her to leave."

"She won't leave, believe me I'm with you, I don't want her to leave either." Will syas looking down at the floor. "Its always tuff. This is my second time having to be in here, but not for this."

"Yeah, wha happened?"

"Uh well my parents weren't home, so I had to cook dinner, and I was like 9, and she was 5. Ashley wanted pasta. So i was bringing the pot full of cooked noodles over to the sink to drain ,and of course with my ferfect graceful balance and Sshley standing right next to me, I dump the pasta all over her, with the extra boiling water. Lets just say I was never to babysit her again. Even now im not aloud to watch her."

He looks up at me and we just start laughing. It felt like I could pass out from not breathing.

Danielle and Sam start walking back in, but this time Danielle doesn't look so happy.

"Whats up with her?" I ask Sam

"I didn't let her get breakfast crackers. She loves them and I didn't have my money, because you dragged me out of here with my wallet sitting right on the chair." Sam says pointing at Danielle the whole time.

"I'm sorry, well your wallets here now, so get me my food." Whines Danielle.

"Later because I am not walking those stairs again, just because you want to be active doesn't mean we take the stupid stairs!"


Breaking Antarctica [BOOK ONE IN THE BREAKING SERIES] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now