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It's been a week since my surgery. I am so glad. Looks like my other wish came true.

I got sent home yesterday, after they did like a million tests to make sure the surgery was truly successful. Which why tests? If it wasn't successful wouldn't I be dead right now?

Anyways it's also been a week since I started dating Toby, and I am so happy. Ever since I got out of the surgery he's been at my side the whole time. Probably even more than J ever has.

I have also been layed off my drills, but I start next week. Oh and do you remember the note I got that one day. Well apparently the meeting was about having new sargents, which I think was pretty useless.

"Hey so when do you have to go back to drills?" Asks Danielle

"Next week." I answer


Right now were at the café working on school stuff for Danielle.

"When are they gunna take our orders?" Whines Danielle

"I don't know, I'll go up there."

I get up from the booth, grabbing my black rimmed glasses off the table and putting them on. I start heading over to the counter when a brown headed boy pops up from behind the counter.

"Hey Flower!" He hollars

"Hey Toby."

"So what can I get you today?"

"Two caramel fraps please." I order.

"Alright two caramel fraps on the house." He exclaims

"What no I can pay!" I snap

"I know you can, but im not letting you." He smiles

"Ugh whatever but can I at least get a kiss from my boyfriend."

"Yes you may."

He leans over the counter, and I stand on my tippy toes. He places his lips against mine. Stupid high counters this is so uncomfortable. He leans back and smiles.

He then turns around and grabs two cups and starts making the fraps.

I walk back to the table to wait for our drinks, when I see Danielle starring at me with wide eyes.

"Wait what!" Screams Danielle "What. When. How. Why." She stammers

"Speak Danielle."

"Okay how much did I miss."

"Nothing much really." I smile

"Umm no I clearly missed everything!" She screams

Toby then walks up to the table handing us our drinks. He leans down closer to my ear. "My shift ends in an hour want me to come over?" I nod my head yes, and smile. He then leans in closer and plants a kiss on my cheek.

"Awwwwww." Danielle says with her elbows on the table and her chin in the palms of her hands.

Way to ruin the moment. Toby leans back and blushes. "I'll see you two ladies later."

"Bye Toby!" Danielle sings while screaming. She is so lucky there are only two other people here.

"Bye." I add. He then turns around and walks back to the counter.

I kick Danielle on her leg ynder the table, and she yelps. "Hey what was that for!"

"Really. Awwwwww?" I ask her wiggleing my eyebrow.

"What it's cute."


After we finish up at the café Danielle went home because apparently Sam broke the pipe under their kitchen sink and he "tried" to fix it. Keyword: Tried. So she had to like bolt out of the café.

But when she left Toby came to the table and we started walking back to my house, hand in hand.

Now me and Toby are doing our challenges. My challenges were cut off from the time I got hit until about yesterday because I was in the hospital.

Toby has to learn a new game, and I have to find a job.

Were in the living room, Toby on the couch and me on the floor In between his legs. Toby is also giving me a neck massage, while im on the computer searching for jobs close to home.

"Hey I can do- Oh wait never mind too far."

"Wait I-Nope too much work."

"Oh Toby look at this-wait no don't look, its not enough pay! Ugh im so mad right now I can't find a stupid job. Great I'm gunna loose points now." I yell shutting my laptop closed and tossing up onto the couch.

"Why don't you just work at the café with me?"

"Really you tell me now!" I whine looking back at him.

"Sorry." Toby says leaning forward, and kissing my forehead. Then my cheek leading to my lips. I break the kiss "Really though you could've told me earlier."

"I just thought of it."

I lightly slap him on the cheek, and he places his hands on his heart and gasps. "Well then, Miss Abuser."

"Overreactor." I say back.

"Thats stings." He gasps again still clutching his chest.

I stand up and sit on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck, while he wraps his arms around my torso. I lay my head on his shoulder, and take a deep breath. "Wow you smell good." I laugh

"Yeah," he questions and chuckles.

"Yeah, like strawberries and cologne." I take in another deep breath

"Oh that must be from when I slipped on a piece of ice and spilled all the strawberry syrup all over my shirt."

"Nice." I joke

"Yeah I know."

I lean back and we both start laughing, I don't know what it is but every time I'm with Toby I'm always so happy.


Breaking Antarctica [BOOK ONE IN THE BREAKING SERIES] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now