24<>Saving is a Job<>24

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Ashley's POV...

"So do you remember that activity I signed up for a couple months ago when we met?" Toby asks, while running beside me.

"Ya. What about it." I say sprinting faster.

"Well the reason I didn't want to tell you was because I signed up for the squad." He looks over

I stop dead in my tracks and look at him.

"The military squad?" I ask

"Yeah." He stops too and walks back to me. "Come on let's keep running." He says and we start running again.

"Huh I never thought that's what you signed up for."

"Why do you say that."

"Well because your too cute to go and deal with that crap." I point out

"Wait question, how can you run so fast." Toby huffs behind me.

"Because I train with my dad, well used too. It's kinda hard to do that when your dad lives in dirt." I slow down

"What do you train for?"

"You won't believe this, but I train for the military." I chuckle

"So that means technically were working together?" He speeds up passing me.

I stop at the corner and spot the building, where the van is. I hope that Sam and Danielle are in there. Also where J might be.

"That is correct." I answer him. "There's the building." I point out we jog over to the door. Toby start to reach for the handle.

"Don't." I stop him

"Why?" He questions "it's a door it won't kill me."

"We need to sneek in, so gives me a lift."

"A lift for what." He walks over to me.

"I'm gunna climb up. Now give me a lift." He cups his hands together and I put my foot in. I lift up to the ledge and pull my self up.

"Come on." I motion him to come up. I reach out my hand and help him up onto the ledge. I look over and see a fire escape route. Guess there's no need to climb. I start running up the stairs with Toby following behind.

When the stairs end I open up the window it's really dark inside, but I can see a couple of doors side by side lined up on a wall.

I slide inside through the door and wait for Toby to enter. He closes the door then looks at me. "Which one." He asks. I walk over to the one closest to me and put my ear on the door.

I back away and lean towards Toby. "I hear voices in this one, should we just-"

"Ahhhhh." Toby breaks through the door.

"Really." I hiss following him. We enter the door stopping a foot away from the people, and by people I mean J, Sam, and Danielle.

"Oh, Ashley. Good to see you saw my challenge." J greets us.

"Ya we did." I hiss

"Well say hello to the camera." He slides to the left and points to video camera. This must've the video playing outside.

"Lady's and gentlemen, look who showed up to the meet and greet." J chuckles

"What the hell is this untie them." Toby commands stepping forward.

"I will, if..."

"If what." Toby growls standing in front of J.

"If you kill her." Then J points me. "And then." Then looks towards Sam and Danielle.

"Mmmgmmmhggm." Sam and Danielle mumble though the duck tape.

I try walking over to them but then get pinned down by a couple of men.

"Do it!" J beams

"NEVER!" And Toby lift up his leg and kick J right in the groin. J lands on the floor next to me, moaning in pain. Toby lift him and punches him in the face.

"I will never hurt Ashley. Never will I in the future either." Toby insists

J bloody nose and all, bows his head. "Boys let go of Ashley." He commands. The men get off of me and I stand up. "I'll take it from here." J says and they leave.

"Let him go Toby." I call

He lets go of the grip on J's shirt. I run up to J and kick him so hard in the stomach he jumps back and hits the wall.

"That's what you get for the shit you caused to Antarctica!" I yell. Toby runs over to un tape Sam and Danielle, as I make J is unconscious, which he is.

I walk over to Danielle and wrap her in a massive hug. "I'm so sorry." I mumble into her hair.

"It's okay." She says back.


We all look toward J and see him hit a button on the wall next to him. All of a sudden we see large chunks of glass fall from the sky.

"The dome!" Sam yells as more falls down. Sam runs past me and Danielle and darts out the door way down the stairs.

"Run?" I look over at Toby.

"Run!" Danielle finishes for him.

We start following Sam down the stairs till we hit the bottom floor. I look around and spot the keys on the wall. I unhook them and run out the doors with the others following close behind.

"Wait for us!" I turn around and see the two guys that had pinned me down earlier, running towards us.

"Nope!" I yell at them then jump into the van, same with the others. I start up the engine and speed down the road.

"Where are we going?" Danielle asks worriedly in the back.

"The airport."

Breaking Antarctica [BOOK ONE IN THE BREAKING SERIES] COMPLETEDKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat