Child Guru

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//One Week later: Authors POV//

As soon as Izuna arrived at work, Itachi and Konan ran up to him examining him. Izuna tried to avoid getting as much attention as possible that morning, but it didn't seem to work out since everyone was asking him what happened. It didn't necessarily make him mad, but he just didn't like receiving so much attention for such a bad thing. He tried to change the whole topic and conversation by turning to look at Itachi. He'd noticed something different about his friend and leaned too damn close for comfort. Itachi quickly backed away and slightly frowned at Izuna.

"Err, what are you doing," Itachi said. Izuna slightly sniffed the air and smirked at Itachi. The younger looked at Izuna and blushed deeply. Konan caught on and decided to join in on the fun and teased Itachi.

"Ooh~ you smell like some other person's pheromones. Where have you been?" Izuna giggled and continued to see how his words affected Itachi.

"Well, Itachi here has been skipping lunch and being led into a particular doctor's office from the Neurology Unit. I believe his name is Kisame" Konan said in a teasing tone. Izuna and Konan snickered between each other as Itachi stood dumbfounded with a nervous look on his face. Izuna and Konan felt a strong alpha presence behind them, and slowly they both turned around only to see a tall and buff guy behind them. Izuna quickly recognized Kisame as the guy who held his assailant back. They looked at Itachi who could only stare back at Kisame and visibly tensed.

"Sorry to intrude on your conversation, but Itachi and I have something to discuss." Kisame smiled before practically yanking Itachi away from his spot and pulling him into the elevator. Itachi's whines followed by the elevator's doors closing only made Konan and Izuna look at each other with a smirk.

"He's definitely getting some" Konan said.

Itachi covered his face in embarrassment with a clipboard as Kisame continued to pull him out the elevator and through the unit floor where he worked at. Obviously, they both were getting stares from left and right. That was mainly because the nurses and doctors on that floor were wondering why Kisame was hanging around a "measly" Pediatric Nurse. Kisame only shot glares at people looking before practically shoving Itachi into his office and shutting the door. Locking it. Itachi roughly pulled his wrist away from Kisame and refused to face him.

"Itachi, you know I don't like it when you try and give me the cold shoulder," Kisame said. His voice was cold and stern, but that didn't make Itachi flinch one bit. What did get a reaction from him was Kisame grabbing his arm, twisting it behind his back, and bending him over the desk. Itachi let out a loud yelp before turning to look at Kisame and glare. His black scrubs getting crinkled in the process. 

"What the hell, Kisame!?!" Itachi struggled against his strength but continued to berate Kisame for his behavior.

"Why have you been ignoring me, dear? The avoided messages, calls, and even coming to work later than I do in hopes that we don't run into each other." Itachi blushed deeply and put his head down against the wooden desk. He was finally caught.

"I- I don't know" was all he could say before Kisame released him and turned him so that they faced each other. "Are you scared of me?" Itachi's eyes widened as he looked up at Kisame and saw a hurt expression on the older one's face. That's when Itachi began to ramble. "N-No! I never said that. It's just that this is all too new for me. I've never been serious with anyone and working at this place has made it difficult to indulge in any relationships. So, when I saw that you slipped your phone number in my pocket, I panicked. Naturally, I tried to avoid you, but you kept insisting that I eat lunch with you to get to know each other better, and I found that really sweet of you to do."

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