The First Meet

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I felt my eye lids closing, they felt so heavy. It was language arts, my least favorite subject. The teacher kept on going on about how the world would be terrible without grammar.
"Sarah," I heard the teacher call my name.
I jolted up,"Yes Mrs. Lyn?"
"Who was the most famous poet out of all the names I just mentioned?"
Oh shoot, I was dead. I started fiddling with my pencil acting like I was thinking, which I was, until a kid next to me whispered," Shakespeare." "Shakespeare," I said aloud.
"Correct, sorry I thought you were dosing off," Mrs. Lyn scolded as she went back to her desk. I whispered back to the kid," Thanks."
"No problem," he responded with a smile. After that, the bell rang and we all left to go to recess. Most of the girls never played on the monkey bars set because they did not want to mess up their hair. Luckily for me, I always kept my hair in a ponytail. I never took it down. People always said I have beautiful hair, but I don't really care. As I was dangling from the monkey bars, more people began to gather. I always hung upside down because I thought it was more fun.
One fat kid walked in front of the group watching me and said," Get down from there monkey face!" He smirked.
"I think I am good up here, thanks," I said kind of shakily. The boy got angry because he wanted the monkey bars all to himself. He grabbed my ponytail and started pulling downward. I started slipping and then he grabbed my arms. Soon, I was brought to the ground. On the way down, I hit my head on the platform where you get onto the monkey bars. When the kid finally dropped me, my nose began to bleed. The kid I saw earlier walked over and helped me up. He helped me over to a teacher and we went to the nurse. After about thirty minutes at the nurse, I went back outside. Everyone was gone and I realized they had gone to lunch. I went back into the building, up two flights of stairs and through the lunchroom doors. I wasn't feeling that hungry after the taste of blood so I just got some yogurt, milk, and a PBJ. As I was walking out of the lunch line, the guy who pulled me off the monkey bars came up and "accidentally" knocked my tray out of my hands. The stuff went flying away from me. My PBJ was only a few feet away, my milk was under my tray, and my yogurt was nowhere to be seen. After gathering at least my milk and PBJ, I gave up on looking for my yogurt. Until I realized it had exploded all over me. I felt a tear slide down my face and immediately wiped it away. Crying will only make it worse, I told myself silently. The boy laughed. "Well wouldja look at lil' monkey face now" he smirked. "Hey! Leave her alone!" someone cries and I turn to see the guy who helped me before. He has brown hair and thick glasses. He's kinda cute.
"Oh yeah," monkey bar boy says," What're you gonna do about it?"
The guy who helped me before picked up the rest of my yogurt, which was hiding behind a trash can, and squirts it all over him. "That," he says simply,"you know, it's not nice to pick on girls. Or try to hurt them. You could get in big trouble." Monkey bars boy takes a hint and runs away. Now the cute guy turns to me. "Are you okay?" He asks me. "Yeah," I say shakily, "thanks." He smiles and helps me up. "Oh! My name's Daniel" he sheepishly says.
"I'm Sarah," I say, feeling butterflies flutter around in my stomach. Uh oh. Guess I've got a new crush! Well, okay. I'd like to see how this ends.

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