Things Fall Apart

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"So what do I say?!?" I asked Emma for the 7th time.
"Hmmm," she hummed popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth,"how about just hey"
"Too boring!" I whined.
I had invited Emma over to hang out and help me with Daniel, and of course she agreed. We were trying to figure out what to text Daniel.
"How about: hey! With three exclamation marks." I suggested.
"Too desperate" she sighed.
"Not enthusiastic enough!"
Ten minutes, another bag of popcorn, and alot of back and forth later, I came up with the genius text.
"How about:Hey it's Sarah! Riley gave me your number:)"
Emma thought hard, probably assessing some kind of universal laws of texting boys, and finally nodded.
"Sounds perfect!" she smiled.
"Ok," I breathed,"Here goes nothing!"
I stared at the send button for at least a minute, and then slowly pressed send.
Emma squealed and clapped loudly.
"Oop! That's my mom" she explained. "See you tomorrow!" And with that she left, giving me an exaggerated wink on her way out.
I couldnt stop smiling.
"I'm freaking out!" I confessed to Chloe.
"Don't," she told me,"boys are like that. Trust me, I live with one!"
I twisted my hands nervously, then spotted Daniel playing four square.
"Come on, lets go play four square Chloe!"
We made our way over to the four square court. I made sure I was next to Daniel in line.
"Hey," he said, "why did you text me?"
"O-oh" I said nervously,"R-r-riley gave me your number."
"Stalker" he laughed cruelly, and then
walked away.


It seemed like everything was coated in a layer of gray fog. All the voices and noises were on mute. How could he say that? That wasn't like him at all.
A voice cut through the fog.
I sighed with relief. It was Gina, sitting under the friend tree with Emma,Chloe, and Riley.
"Are you ok?" Riley asked.
"Yeah you look shaken up" Gina remarked. I collapsed under the tree.
"You guys will NEVER believe what just happened."

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