The First Meet

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Mrs. Lyn's attacks were often. She picked out a kid that was usually brain dead or was falling asleep. Then, once the kid was picked, she gave them a question that she "just" said. Luckily for me, I never sleepy. I don't know why I never get tired, maybe I'm an alien.
"Sarah?" Asked Mrs. Lyn.
"Yes?" A girl to my right asked as she jolted upright.
"Who was the most famous poet out of all the names I just mentioned?"
The girl looked confused, then sleepy, then confused. I felt bad for her, she seemed so innocent to be humiliated in front of the class.
"Shakespeare," I felt myself whispering to her.
"Shakespeare," she said aloud.
"Correct, sorry I thought you were dosing off," Mrs. Lyn scolded as she went back to her desk.
After that, I started writing in my notebook.
"Thanks," I heard a faint whisper say.
"No problem," I responded. All of a sudden, the blood curdling shriek of the bell went off. Our class raced off to go outside for recess. Now, I saw one thing that was very odd. There was a girl on the monkey bars. There is nothing wrong with that, it's just very rare. I realized that it was the same girl that had dozed off in class. She had long dark brown hair that hung down in a frizzy ponytail. I wanted to say hi, but instead I just sat on the bench. After a while Tony Maguire, a boy in my class, walked up to the girl. I sensed trouble, as Tony was a big fat bully.
"Get down from there monkey face!" he smirked.
Uh oh.
"I think I am good up here,thanks" she said shakily. I felt bad for her once again. For some reason I noticed how pretty her hair was. SHUT UP DANIEL I yelled at myself. Last time you liked someone it didn't go do well. I heard a little yelp and saw stupid Tony pulling on her ponytail. She slipped and fell and her nose hit right on the platform where you get on the monkey bars. I protectively rushed over to her and helped her up. Then I took her to the nurse. I stayed with her at the nurse for a while and then we went back outside. They had all headed to lunch, so we climbed up the stairs to lunch.
My friends luckily saved me a seat. I sat down once I got my lunch. They all stared at me and then finally Zach, one of my friends, asked me," So, who was that girl you helped?" I didn't mind answering any questions so I just simply answered," I have no idea." The pizza that day tasted awful, our school needed to hire better lunch ladies. I remember one time, a kid found hair in his eggs. After a while of eating, we all heard a loud bang come from somewhere near one of the girls' tables. I looked over to see Tony standing over the girl from earlier laughing. There was yogurt splashed all over the girl's burgundy shirt. I walked over but by the time I got near them, I had missed nearly all of their conversation and Tony was still laughing at her. Even though I hadn't heard any of their conversation, I had had enough. "Hey! Leave her alone!" I yelled to him.
"Oh yeah?" He smirked. "Watcha gonna do about it?"
I looked around and saw the girl's yogurt on the floor. I picked it up and squirted it all over Tony. "That," I said smirking. "You know, it's not nice to pick on girls. Or try to hurt them. You could get in big trouble." Tony ran to the bathroom with his friends following him. I looked over at the girl who got bullied,. "You okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, thanks," She said smiling a beautiful smile, SHUT UP DANIEL!!! I helped her off the ground and smiled.
"Oh! I'm Daniel by the way," I said.
"I'm Sarah," she responded. Sarah, what a pretty name. SHUT UP!

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