- chapter 7 -

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No one pov
The girl with blonde hair came running to y/n "Y/N HOW ARE THINGS WITH YOU AND ROWAN DID I HELP YOU TWO BECOME A COUPLE!!" Enid was in excitement and was jumping "woah slow down Enid and yes we are a couple" (🤪) Enid hugged Y/n very tightly and was screaming "I totally ship you both like you guys are the most perfect couple I can see it!" Y/n checks the time, " I gotta go Enid see you at Lunch?" "Course!" Y/n went to class early before Rowan and read a book and studied before class starts. The door suddenly opens to see Rowan "Y/n what are you doing here so early" "I decided to study before class starts so I can remember faster because yes" Rowan took a seat and gave her a letter made with a pink envelope and a heart sticker "what's this" "read it." Y/n opened the letter and there was pictures of them together with a bit on glitter on the inside, Y/n took the note out and started to read it. 'Dear Y/n my beloved, I have loved you ever since you moved in. The reason I was never around in the mornings wasn't because I was studying I was always out asking Zavier to help me ask you out, ever since I did it was the best moment of my life. Will you be my date to the Rave'N and happy Valentine's Day <3 signed Rowan L.' Y/n finished reading the letter and smiled while she looked at Rowan "Of course I will be your date Rowan!" Y/n gave Rowan a kiss then went back to studying before other classmates came, After class Y/n looked for Enid "ENID I LOVE MY LIFE AND I DONT WANT TO KILL MYSELF ANYMORE" WHY WHAT HAPPENED!!" "ROWAN ASKED ME TO THE RAVE'N" The two girls hugged eachother and danced around "OMG we need to find you a dress before the rave'n!" "You are totally correct did anyone ask you out yet! We can go shopping when your asked out" "not yet but I might ask some one I like out.." "OMG ENID WHO!!" "well.. (IM ADDING WENCLAIR IDGAF ABT AJAX) I'm a lesbian and I'm asking my roommate Wednesday out." ... " I always knew you were fruity. GO GIRLLL YOU SHOULD ASK HER OUT RIGHT NOW YOU TWO MAKE A GREAT COUPLE FOR EACH OTHER AND DESERVE TO BE. ASK. HER. OUT. RIGHT. NOW." Enid ran to find Wednesday to ask her out to the Rave'N.

I'm gonna post maybe a longer chapter then this bc I'm bored af and if your ass is homophobic get the fuck out of here stinky ass bitch

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