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Death is impossible to avoid. A single cry saved him from dying all over again. And he was so grateful for the spark of hope that surged throughout his body. He had begun to live again.

Searching mindlessly through the small trinkets on the display shelf, a hand stopped just above a hanging ornament. It was round, the background painted white, a pale pink circle in the center and set in the very center was a pale pink giraffe speckled with white spots.

It was simple yet perfect.
He delicately held the trinket in between his thumb and index fingers as he examined it intently.

"First baby?"

Tyler started a little at the woman's voice. He hadn't heard her approach, thus startling him. He turned to smile politely at the elderly woman. "Yes ma'am, it is. A baby girl."

He couldn't help but beam with pride at the thought of his unborn daughter. He and his wife, Selene, had been hoping for a baby of their own ever since they got married five years ago. Seeing all of their friends around them having children of their own made the couple develop Baby fever.

But now the weight was almost over, their daughter was do in a week and Tyler had busied himself with putting the crib together and the changing table. It took him several hours on both projects but he finally finished them the day before. Selene had offered many times to help him but he had insisted on doing it himself as every new father did. It was a sort of tradition it seemed.

"Well, congrats and good luck." The woman offered him a toothy grin and began to turn away with her cart. Tyler noticed several items in her cart and he frowned to himself.

"Wait, ma'am!" he called after the woman.

Seeing that she had turned back around to face him, a curious look on her face. He motioned to her cart.

"May I help you with your bags once you finish checking out?" He asked, smiling softly. The woman looked taken aback, she had even placed a hand over her heart in surprise. He guessed that not many people offered to help her but he wasn't like everyone else.

"Oh my, thank you so much!" She cried in delight. Her happiness was contagious because Tyler found himself grinning back at her. He truly enjoyed making others feel happy and appreciated. Many people didn't want to go out of their way to help those in need anymore and it broke his heart. How difficult was it to stop and lend a hand?

"My name's Tyler." He told her.

"Frannie." She replied.

The pair finished their shopping and headed to the registers to check out their items. although Frannie insisted that Tyler didn't half to pay for her items, he waved her off and handed the cashier the money for her items anyway. He then paid for his own items and grabbed both of their bags, following Franny out to her car.

He loaded the bags into Franny's trunk and shut the trunk securely once he was finished. He was met with a twenty dollar bill, held out to him by Frannie. He went to politely decline but she only pushed it further toward him.

"Take it, you'll need it for your new little one. Thank you for being so helpful." Frannie remarked.

"Thank you, ma'am. Have a lovely rest of your day." He replied, finally excepting the money and shoving it into his pants pocket. He waved at Franny before crossing the parking lot and loading his items into his car. He had bought several items for the baby including diapers, baby wipes, and a few more outfits because who says a baby can have too many outfits?

He got into his car and buckle his seatbelt while simultaneously calling Selene. The call had only rang twice before the sound of his wife's voice filled the car.

Hidden Miracles • Tyler Joseph •Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα