Chapter Three

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third person pov
when bella woke up that morning she was so excited about her hang out with anne and diana that evening and she wanted to look her best that day to make a good impression on anne's guardians.
so she woke up half an hour early that day ran a hot bath, and washed her face. after her bath she did her hair in its usual style and got dressed.
once she finished breakfast with her father the began the long walk to school, when the white building came into view the sound of laughing children flowed in her ears.
"hey!" diana and anne said in unison as they walked up to bella with smiles on their faces.
"bella are you coming over tonight" anne says articulating every word in her usual wonderful voice.
"of course!" bella responded cheerfully, "i am oh so thankful that you invited me anne, i feel as if we are going to be great friends."
"yes i can see that indeed" diana joined in the conversation with a smile.
the children sit around the classroom laughing and chatting until mr Phillips entered the classroom in what looked to be a very sour mood.
'open your readers to page 32, we will read aloud barry cornwalls poem "the fisherman"'
anne shares an excited smile with bella to which she reciprocates. bella is quite the reader as they have their own private library at home, although she is not quite as theatrical as anne.
diana starts reading but is soon interrupted by mr philips shouting across the room,
"sit down!, new girl."
bella stands up sheepishly feeling a bit awkward with all eyes on her, she takes a deep breath and reads aloud from the book in her hands, not even stuttering once. everyone is quite impressed and anne and diana did a little silent clap for her as she sat down.
"josie pye" mr phillips continued on as bella zoned out still a bit buzzed from being the centre of attention for so long.
the day continued on slowly until lunchtime where the girls sat in there corner with the blanket used as a door leading in and out. they chatted amongst themselves for a while until tilly piped up, 'so bella what was it like where you were from?' she asked politely.
'well i traveled here from australia' she started but she didn't get to finish before the girls started asking all kinds of questions. 'what's a kangaroo?' 'is it true they have gold?' 'i thought it was just a wasteland'.
'oh my' bella said with a giggle, she thought about it for a second, 'ruby a kangaroo is a type of animal they are quite beautiful i've seen them myself, yes josie they do have gold there that's why me and my father moved away, he wanted something more quiet and less touristy, some parts can be very dry jane but there are some small towns just like avonlea.' with this all the girls seemed satisfied and continued with their normal conversation.
after school bella met up with diana and anne and they started the walk back to anne's house. as the house came into view bella could see anne's smile grow, bella knew how much anne loved green gables, even though this was bella's first time being there she could already feel the warmth and memories that she was going to have here.
they walked through the white painted gate and began the walk up the laneway to the house, as she looked up she saw a boy around her age, he did a double take as he saw the girls coming his was and was trying to subtly fix his hat and jacket, as the girls past this strange boy he smiled at them and said in a rather exaggerated tone, 'hello, ladies'
diana smiled curtly at him and kept on her way, while bella smiled and said a simple 'hello' she and the other girls kept walking but bella turned around only to find the boy staring back at her, she quickly turned back around and kept walking feeling a slight blush on her face.

Hello my lovesss,
they have finally met, yay!
sorry i haven't updated in a while hope you had a very happy valentine's day if you have any ideas for this book please let me know hope your having a great day/night i really hope you like this part
be kind to yourself
love you xxxx

love you anyway ~ jerry baynard Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora