Chapter Five

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3rd person pov
bella wakes up on this bright sunday morning, takes a bath, does her hair and gets ready. her and her father are going into charlottetown today to spend some time together.

bella's pov
as we get into the carriage my father and i make small talk until we arrive in charlottetown.

the town is bustling with people and carriages, a big difference to the small town of avonlea. There is ladies with corsets and big dresses and men with top hats tall enough to hit the dangling signs of shops.

father thinks it best to go and get some food first after our long carriage ride, so that is exactly what we do.

stopping in an old tea shop we are welcomed at the door and shown to a lovely quilt covered table by the window.

my father orders a pot of tea for us to share, some sugar and a plate of sandwiches for the both of us.

the food arrives in no time and we talk, smiling and laughing. i'm so happy we went out today as we have bearly spent any time together since we moved to avonlea.

after our pit stop for food we have a walk around town looking at all the shops until we get to la rue auber a fancy dress shop, i practically beg my father to let me go in and unhesitatingly he does.

i feel as if i could look in this shop for hours, all the bright coloured dresses made of every which fabric you could think of, atoned with the most beautiful details of pearls, lace, sleeves and so much more.

i looked around for a bit until i came to the fabric section from which you could choose your own colours and make you own dresses to your hearts desire.

i have always wanted to try making my own dress and i plead with my father to let me buy some of this beautifully light fabric.

of course he says yes so i start choosing the fabric for my new dress, i decide on my usual green as i feel it is the colour that suits me best and i choose some green lace for details and a different shade of the puffed sleeves.

we soon pay and leave as we are stepping out of the shop my father turns to say something to me not looking where he was going and he bumped into someone carrying what looked to be food.

me and my father both looked down to the man who was trying to salvage the food that had been dropped we saw that he wasn't a man at all but a small boy around my age, i couldn't be sure who it was as they were covered by his cap but he did seem vaguely familiar.

i am snapped out of my daze as i go to help this boy but my father pulls me back by the arm 'dirty scum' he says to the boy as he pulls me away.

i look at him shocked as he just keeps walking his hold on my arm still not letting go, we get some worried looks from people around us but they don't dare mess with my father.

only when we are back at the carriage is when he lets go of my arm to smooth out his jacket and realign his hair.

i don't say anything to him i pass the rolls of fabric to our footman with a polite thank you and then get in the carriage.

as we start the carriage ride i don't dare break the silence first, my heart still beating in my chest at the way he grabbed my arm, dragging me away from the helpless boy.

nothing was said the carriage ride home, i was grateful that it was night and i could simply go to bed.

and that is what i did.

hello my lovesssss
this is a major filler but don't worry i have something in store for next chapter, also major plot twist with miles.
you can probably guess who the boy in the cap was (wink wink)
hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have any feedback or suggestions lmk!!!!
be kind to yourself
love u xxxx

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