Chapter Six

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bella's pov
that night i am awoken by a flurry of ringing bells, i get up out of my sheets and tiredly stumble to the window.

i rub my eyes trying to wake myself up and as i do i see a bright orange light in the distance.

soon enough my father comes running into the room 'fire! there is a fire in town, quick bella go out the back and get the servants and bring them in the wagon as well as many buckets you can find we need all hands on deck and please be quick about it!' he yells before running off to the stables and taking his horse in pursuit of the raging fire.

as quick as i can i grab a coat out of my cupboard, lace up my shoes and i am down stairs in a flash.

i push through the back door and run into the backyard frantically shouting. i run past the hedges, around the pond, across the grass to the reasonably sized set of stone houses where the servants live.

i run around the houses knocking on every white painted wooden door 'fire! there's a fire in town quick everyone up out of your beds, we need to help!'

first the men of each house come out, they nod to me or say a few encouraging words before running off to the stables to get a horse.

next the maids and their children come out and we rush to the stables where we work together to tie the horse to the wagon, 'quick let's get as many buckets as we can find' i yell and we all start looking around the barn we come up with around fourteen and we strap them in the wagon as we all hop in the back, one of the men stayed behind so they could drive.

it's a bumpy ride as we are going full canter into town all of us are holding onto the sides of the wagon for dear life.

once we pull up to the burning house the heat immediately pierces my skin, we are one of the last ones there. i can see my father among the men throwing buckets of water into the ferocious blaze

all of us hop out of the wagon and take two buckets at a time up to the water pump, then i see a girl with red hair running into the house out of the corner of my eye.

i didn't know for sure it was who i thought it was until i heard diana's screams

it was anne.

anne ran into the fire.

i drop the buckets and start to run towards the house, until one of the boys managing the water pump catches up to me and holds me back.

tears are streaming down my face for my dear friend, i try fighting against the person holding me back but they won't budge.

looking over i see diana still screaming and crying as she's telling marilla what happened to anne.

marilla tries as i did to run inside in a attempt to save anne but she is held back by the women surrounding her

my legs feel like jelly, they give out under me and i put all of my weight onto the person still holding me back, i can't take my eyes off the fire although it's getting blurry through the tears in my eyes.

i look up at the person who is holding me back and recognise him from the time at anne's house, and the familiar cap and hair from the boy yesterday in charlottetown.
i'm about to say something to him until my father comes up behind us and grabs the boy and pulls him off me

'hey! don't you touch my daughter filthy boy' he says grabbing the boy by his collar. he lifts a threatening arm, i yell trying to get my dad to stop hurting the boy who was only trying to help me.

just as he was about to swing the fist he had high above his head matthew cuthbert comes to the rescue, i had only met him a couple of times over these past 3 weeks but none the less he seemed like a very kind hearted man.

'miles, would you mind taking your hands off my jerry here.' matthew speaks calmly with his hands outstretched as an attempt of peace

as my father was about to protest the door to the house swings open with a loud crash and an ash covered anne stumbles out, her weak legs try to hold her up but she falls over

the boy manages to escape my father and we both run over to anne with matthew following shortly behind.

she is already with diana and marilla wrapped up in a thick blanket trying to explain what happened but unable to get through a single sentence without coughing and gasping for air.

'what were you thinking!' marilla says in an angry tone but anyone could tell she was just worried about anne

'why ever did you run inside' diana asked giving her friend a hug

'fire needs oxygen, closing windows and doors deprives it' anne says slowly while gulping for air

a slight wave of shock came through the people surrounding anne 'oh my word' marilla
said in surprise 'however do you know that?'

'the fire manual in the orphanage, there wasn't much else to read' she replied diana and i wrap our arms around anne engulfing her in a big hug.

everyone hangs around till morning, we all stand at the foot of the deck while the minister stands infront of us.

'And we thank thee, o lord for your mercy and of some have compassion making a difference, others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire.'

i turn to look at the boy from before who is standing next to anne, he looks over at me then smiles, i smile back until i feel a strong hand gripping my arm. my father looks down on me sternly with a shake of his head.

after the unexpected mass we slowly make our way back home , i ride with my father on the back of his horse while the butlers and maids follow behind with the wagon

it is silent most of the ride, i can't stop thinking about how my dad almost punched anne's farm boy, and how badly he treated him in charlottetown.

as we get home i slip my shoes off, take my jacket off and flop into my bed, tired from last nights adventures.

hello my lovessss
1178 words yay! ok so basically i changed this story so she doesn't know jerry's name yet so if you have read the other parts before this one before i have edited it then just keep that in mind hehe
so how do we feel about the dad and bella's relationship?
if you have any suggestions for this story please lmk
also i put some pictures what i imagined the house to be like up the top!
be kind to each other and yourself x
love u xxxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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