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As Pete hate to admit it, school became a lot less stressful for the rest of the day but Vegas was right about one thing, class was still boring and excitement is what he wanted. Today in the boys bathroom was so crazy and Pete never thought he would ever do that.

It was scary as hell but the thrill was exciting and almost fun.

Pete was caught in his own thoughts as he bit his index finger as he was lost in his own train of thought. Pete completely forgot he was at lunch with Porchay who he haven't seen in a whole week.

"P'Pete, are you okay?" Porchay shook his shoulder to try to wake Pete up from what's on his mind.

"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry Porchay. I'm just so distracted." Pete admitted as he didn't realize.

"It's okay. I was just telling you about did you hear what happened? Three students mysteriously disappeared. Their parents were worried sick about them." Porchay repeated what he said and this time Pete heard him.

Pete already knows what happened to them but Pete is not gonna fess up. He knows the cruel punishment if he opens his mouth. Everyone will be dead and maybe even him. Of course Pete has never really been afraid of death since he already predicted his life as useless.

Pete has gone against his own destiny as a powerful vampire Hunter. He doesn't want to share the same fate as his parents and other ancestors. He rather die by natural causes than die hunting vampires with supernatural powers.

To him that's a suicide mission.

"I heard about it all morning. It's so awful." Pete admitted as he tries to pretend he doesn't know what happened. "How's Porsche?" Pete decided to change the subject.

"He's doing okay but he's kinda off partying a lot. Even though I told him it's getting way too dangerous out. One day I fear he is gonna get knocked up and end up pregnant." Chay admitted which made Pete laugh a little.

Pete misses Porsche and he wishes to talk to him again but things are different now and Pete has decided that he is gonna protect Porsche by watching him from afar.

Now that there are vampires around the school, no student is safe and Pete would be damned to let anything happen to Porsche or Chay.

Pete phone kept buzzing on the table a bunch of times, causing the two boys to get distracted from their small conversation. Pete picked up his phone to see a text.

 Pete picked up his phone to see a text

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Pete read the text over and over again. He finds is a bit funny that a two hundred year old vampire can text and use emojis. Pete just place the phone down and tries to turn his attention back to Chay. Pete phone buzzed again and he opened it to see another message from Vegas.

 Pete phone buzzed again and he opened it to see another message from Vegas

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