CHAPTER 6 Deceit and Scars

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"Take off your boots, Warrior Eddipus. You're moving on my holy realm." 

         "Yes, Goddess Onaveeve." He removed his boots and felt the dark, cold, stone path beneath his feet. He stared at the blackened, stonework walls ahead of them. 

"By taking them off, you're leaving behind your identity, a little bit of yourself

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"By taking them off, you're leaving behind your identity, a little bit of yourself. When approaching the divine, you don't need boots or tools. You sense the dimension you're in'" She paused, smiling at Eddipus with a sinful sneer. "and be with your Goddess." She lingered on the phrase. He bowed his head, closing his eyes, not looking at Onaveeve. He wanted to show respect. He feared the eternal. Clan Master Dante taught when approaching the Master's dimension, to not use all six senses.

But Elven Warrior Eddipus was being deceived. He and Val had spent forty days and forty nights in their travels thus far. Eddipus had never felt the temptation or deception of pure evil incarnate.

"Welcome to my lair'" She placed a hand on his arm. "Land of the dead, my home eternal in the North." He saw the stonework on a dark, small keep. "If you are a true warrior of the Red, climb my tall tower walls." Eddipus had become tired. Half their rations were gone and when they woke in the realms of the North, it was like they never ate at all. Onaveeve was trying to goad him into using his feats of strength. She wanted to watch him for entertainment purposes. He might have felt fatigued but he didn't stop. "One moment, my lady. I can climb your walls alone with my bare hands."

He began to scale the wall, clutching to each crack, cranny, and crease. By the time Eddipus had reached the top of the spire, he became exasperated. He turned and leaped to the roof only to see Onaveeve looking at him with a smile. Then she took him by his rough hands.

"Here, this leads to the highest point of my spire. Use the stairs and stand up on the top." He dared not disobey divinity so he trudged up the staircase leading to the spire and stood where she told him. "If you are a real Elve of Hilltop'" she said, "Use your elven strength and throw yourself from my spire. Grab the ledge as you fall and pull up to your shoulders and chin. Pull up at least ten times. Prove yourself a true warrior to me." This was fun for Onaveeve. She enjoyed the control she had over Eddipus. She continued. "I will heal your wounds if you fall."

He answered her, "Why do you test me, Do you doubt me as Elvish Warrior?"

"... and do you doubt me? Question me?" She asked, indignant.

Finally, the warrior took to the very high ledge. He showed her he could best her exasperating challenges as he climbed back. "If you bow down to me, Eddipus'" Her speech slowed. "I will give you all this."

"What do you mean, miss?" He replied.

"I offer you my dominion. You'll have rule over my kingdom. You'll rule beside me." She caressed Eddipus's hand in a gentle motion, kissing the back of it.

"My world can be your world, in exchange for an act of unfaithfulness. Leave your lover and join me in unquestioning loyalty."


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