A say in the market

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"How refreshing" Iris said placing breakfast on the table as Asta ran into the hall "morning!" Asta greeted "I'm tired of eating meat" Noelle said "well, that's the only thing Yami likes to eat" Iris said sitting down as Asta argued with Noelle.

"Magna we're going!" Yami said barging into the dining hall "that was demanding" Iris said cleaning up the plates "where are you guys going!" Asta asked "there's a mission" Magna said standing up "a real magic knight squad mission...hold up I'm coming with" Asta said attempting to follow before Magna stopped him "no way, I can't bring a kid along only grown up men allowed" he said before walking off "wanna help me clean up?" Iris asked "...nah, I'll go finish my chores" Asta said walking away.


"I'm here to help Asta" Iris said walking into the basement where Asta and Noelle were feeding Yami dogs "thanks" Asta said before hearing laughter from a close distance "I didn't even see them coming!" Magna said as the two laughed and conversed "what the...please put on some clothes" iris said avoiding eye contact "what if I don't wanna?" Yami asked "then I'll be forced to cut 'it' off" she said as the two got nervous.

"Going boar hunting?" Iris said after Magna expo their first mission "it's a terrible mission" Noelle said sweat dropping "no it's not, you take that back!" Magna yelled "I can't bring down a boar with my bare hands!" Asta stated "please don't start" Iris said sweat dropping before Magna explained how terrible boars were.

"How about you guys go, I'll stay here to keep Yami company" Iris said sitting beside Yami "uh, I don't remember ever asking you" Yami said before she pinched him "I'm working on a couple new spells and I don't need Asta to disturb me, I'll get out of here once they're gone" Iris whispered "alright, Magna go with them Iris get the hell outa here" Yami said standing up "stay safe you three, I've got to go" she said heading out the door.

"That is almost everything on my list" Iris said walking through town with a brown bag in hand while reading her list only to bump into someone "I'm sorry" she said staring up at him "it's been a while Miss" Fuegoleon said "it's an honor to meet you again Sire" she said bowing before walking away "you can talk to me casually, like how you did a few days ago" Fuegoleon said following after her "I was rude to you that time and I apologize for that, now if you'd excuse me I'd like to go train" Iris said trying to walk away.

"Please stop following me sir" Iris said stopping in her tracks as the man stopped with her "since you wouldn't talk to me like before I thought I might as well protect you" he said walking ahead "I don't need protecting, I'm a magic knight" she said running up to him "everyone needs protection, even me" Fuegoleon said surprising Iris "...seems like I won't be able to get any training done today" Iris sighed before walking with him.


"Your back late" Yami said smoking his cigarette "what time I get back is my business, welcome back you three" Iris said placing her bag on the table "where'd you go to?" Asta asked "I went shopping for a few things and got distracted and never ended up training" iris said as Finral and Vanessa entered through a portal "we're back" Finral announced.

"We heard about Sosshi village good job out there" Vanessa said "we visited the magic investigation department captain" Finral said "?" "Yea good did you find anything out?" Yami asked before Vanessa explained what they found "arg what good are they then?!" Magna said angrily throwing a fireball at the wall "that's enough hear me! Quit breaking everything!" Yami yelled also creating a hole on the wall "you should take up your own advice first!" Iris said hitting his head with an empty bear bottle.

"You!" Yami yelled glaring at her "say something and another one is gonna land on your head" Iris warned "that pocket watch was really nice, not something just anybody would own" Finral commented "that's true, also based on the remarks he made of commoners I'll say we're looking at someone of fairly high rank" Vanessa said "royalty or at least a nobility" Magna said as a bird appears on Asta head.

"Oh who this cutie pie?" Vanessa asked pointing at the bird "it's got beady looking eyes" Iris said sweat dropping "what's so cute about this pest?" Asta asked "uhm only everything" Noelle said happily staring at the bird as it pecked Asta head "ugly, feathered little nuisance I'm gonna fry you up for dinner!" Asta yelled taking out his sword "you won't lay so much as a finger on him" Noella said preparing a spell as soon they started destroying the buildings.

"Sigh, it was fun while it lasted" Iris sighed as Yami joined the two "your not wrong" Finral laughed "a star!" Magna said drawing iris attention after Yami stopped the fight "we got a star!" Asta cheered "congrats you three" Finral said "so what does the star mean?" Asta asked "why are you celebrating when you don't know what it does?" Iris asked sweat dropping while patting his head.

"It's a competition, the squads all try to see who has the most" Vanessa said "the golden dawn ranked highest in terms of stars they have 70" she said exciting Asta "amazing, how many does the black bulls have and don't say none" Iris said "Hah, with this one we're officially at a -30 now" Yami said proudly "forget no stars how does one reach a negative?!" Iris asked shocked "its a hundred away from catching up to the dawn" Yami said still proud "that's not something to be proud about, it's embarrassing!" Iris yelled smacking yami across the head.

"Your real gutsy woman!" Yami yelled back "shut up! This is why you should never smoke Asta you'd turn into this; a disaster" Iris sighed "alright just one more thing, your wages for this month" Yami said reveal the bag of money "no way!" Asta said shocked "thank you captain" Magna said bowing his head "wow, I could send some money to help rebuild the church and still have more for myself" Iris said taking a coin out "you've got the day off tomorrow don't blow through all your wages" yami warned.

"What are you gonna do with your money?" Asta asked as he and iris walked to their rooms "well, I'll send some to the church for repairs and food then I'll just save the rest for this thing I want" Iris said "oh, Vanessa suggested we go to the castle town tomorrow wanna come? I'll buy you anything you want!" Asta said enthusiastically "I've got training to do, I never was able to get to it today so I'll try tomorrow" she said entering her room leaving Asta to whine about his failure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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