Periodic Partners

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Summary: Mr. Schmidt's announcement of a school project leaves Jack and Hans to fight over who is going to be partners with Elsa. 

"Today we are learning about none other than our periodic table!" Mr. Schmidt rose his hand up in the air with his black expo marker in hand, proud to announce the annual project of the year for seniors. 

The whole class rolled their eyes including Hans who was eager to learn about anything chemistry related. Jack lifted his head up from resting on the cool marble table to peak at the class groaning in response to the senior project. Every year at Arendelle High School Dr. Schmidt assigned a periodic table element for a group to research and then present to the class. The project required a completed research paper, skit, slideshow, and full presentation which would be shown to the class on the last week of senior year. Jack felt instantly bored because the last thing on his mind was completing anything science related for homework. Most days he spent day dreaming about skating at the park with his friends Hiccup and Kristoff, and today was no other exception. 

"Now class settle down." Mr. Schmidt half laughed. He hoisted himself onto the nearby chair and stood high above the seniors to finish what he was saying. "I want you now to pair into groups of two and three and swap phone numbers to establish roles for your project." A few seconds passed before all of the kids in the room shifted to pair with their buddies. Jack looked around to see if Kristoff was paired with anyone. Kristoff sat next to one of their classmates Anna whom he'd had a crush on for their entire high school career. He gave a weak wave to Jack and Anna smiled back. Great. Now his best friend was paired with a crush, who was he supposed to work with now? 

He turned his body to the back of the class where one girl sat alone by her desk waiting for the commotion of pairing up to die down. The blonde sat with one hand on her cheek and etched something into her notebook. She was wearing all black except her shiny bright new high top converse. Elsa had been someone he'd had a crush on since middle school, but had never gotten close enough to her aside from sharing a few words. He always felt too nervous to approach her. The class became larger with groups of 2's and 3's huddle around the tall table tops. He knew his time was running about before having to be paired with Hans who was also sitting all alone at the back of the room. Suddenly Hans got up out of his seat to walk closer to Elsa. Jack froze, he felt his body kick into autopilot and leaped out of his own chair to talk to Elsa. He was not going to let Hans steal his only hopeful partner at this project away from him. 

Elsa looked up in surprise to see two of her classmates standing over her desk. "Hey guys." she said nonchalantly wiping her long blonde bangs from her face. Jack could smell her sweet perfume lingering from her body and his heart started beating faster. "I uh.." Jack stammered. She raised an eyebrow when Hans started speaking. "Elsa, do you want to be my parter for the periodic table project? I know so much already about every element so whatever we get paired with I got it all covered." He smirked. She took a breath before he cut her off again. "And you can come over everyday so we can get this done. I don't want to slack at all and honestly this can be finished by the time winter break comes around." She paused to think nervously touching her hair. That's when Jack knew I had to intervene. "Umm I'd love to be a part of your guy's group if you need another member?" he blurted out unaware of how loud he'd stated his request. Elsa turned her piercing blue eyes towards him, he shoved his hands into his deep blue hoodie and stood awkwardly waiting for an answer. Hans looked upset as he watched Jack make his proposal. "Get outta here Frost, I'm trying to be parters with Elsa and you're butting in," he remarked. 

"Well I got here first so if you want to be partners with her, you'll have to find someone else dude."

"Chill Frost there's plenty of other people to work with here..." Hans scoffed. 

"Whoa okay you two," Elsa raised her hand up towards them. "Lets all just partner together. A group of three is probably going to work better anyway because there's an odd number of people in class. Are you two cool with that?" 

Jack and Hands looked dumbfounded. 

"But I thought you wanted to work with just me," Hans half pouted leaning in closer to Elsa. 

She leaned back further in her chair. "No I never said that, but it's not that hard to all do it together. Unless you want to pair up with my sister Anna and Kristoff." 

The boys looked over at Kristoff and Anna who were gawking over each other instead of making plans for their project. Jack winced. Looks like he was going to be stuck with the both of them. 

"Yeah Hans we'll make a great team right?" he mocked. 

Hans squinted his eyes. "Fine, we'll all work together, but you'll follow my lead on how we do this thing. I don't want to achieve any F's with your knuckle-headed brain Frost." 

"Wow I'm so flattered you said that Westergaard." 

"Shut it Frost!"

"Okay stop, you guys fight like you're siblings. I'm going to write our names on the white board and then we're going to exchange contact numbers and be done with today." She stood up and walked briskly over to the front of the room to put all three of their names on the board. Jack felt dread as he watched Elsa write his name next to Hans'. 

"You're never going to get her, not with the way you're handling things," Hans glared at him. 

He was confused as to what he was hinting at. He'd known Hans had tried to get together with Elsa every year of high school, but never this forcefully. It gave him a bad taste in his mouth. Why was he so desparete to be with her? Jack wasn't trying to partner with Elsa to get with her. 

"I'm truly puzzled Westergaard," Jack huffed. 

"You don't have to say it like that. Just admit you like Elsa. Honestly bro you don't stand a chance to be with her. It's clear she likes me," he turned to smile at her as she walked back to the table. 

She plopped down between the two boys and whipped out her phone. It was blue with a white sparkly case on the outside. He watched as she opened snapchat. "Lets form a group chat, everyone put your snaps into my phone." 

Hans took the phone from her hand and began typing in his snap username. "Hans.Westergaard" he quickly typed then handed it back to her. She handed the phone to Jack and typed in "Frostinater69" 

"Creative username," Elsa chuckled turned him bright red. "It was uh a name I created in sixth grade so it stuck with me for a while..." he scratched the back of his head. Hans didn't seem amused. 

At the front of the room Mr. Schmidt clapped his hands together to gather everyone's attention. "Alright class we're almost outta here, hurry and get your contacts and I'll see you all on Monday!" 

Everyone began packing up their belongings at once. Being paired with Elsa was great, but being paired with the school's ultimate teacher's pet and a girl he likes at the same time was a recipe for one hell of a school year. He'd wished he'd picked Kristoff and Anna since anything was better than working with his most hated person at Arendelle High. Maybe there was a chance to make this into a good thing. Hans carrying most of the weight of the project would mean he'd get at least a C in the class maybe a B grade at most. He'd just have to deal with Hans drooling over Elsa the entire time which wasn't entirely terrible except his own feelings for her. He watched Hans rush out the door past the other kids in the room when he felt a cold hand on his shoulder. Turning around he found Elsa with her bag slung over one shoulder. 

"Hey, sorry I didn't speak up back there. I didn't realize Hans was so eager to be my partner, and I wanted to be parters with you instead.  I think we can make this work as a team though- the three of us," she smiled. Jack blushed slightly and rustled his platinum blonde hair. "Yeah don't sweat it, I don't mind us all working on this together. I figured Hans can do most of the research, I could plan the skit, and you can make sure we all don't go insane," he laughed. She laughed in response. "Of course. Well, I gotta go. My sister Anna is probably waiting by the parking lot to go home, but I'll catch you on Monday." 

"See you Elsa." he waved. 

She walked out the door with seemingly elegant strides, leaving him the only one left in the room. 

Jelsa OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now