Small Moments

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Summary: Jack and Elsa argue about how to decorate the nursery for their child's arrival 

(prompt by me, written with Chat GPT)

Jack and Elsa had been preparing for the arrival of their first child for months. The due date was fast approaching, and they still had so much to do. The nursery was one of the most important rooms in the house, and they had been arguing about how to decorate it for weeks.

Elsa wanted to create a calming, soothing environment, with pastel colors and soft lighting. She had picked out a beautiful crib with a white canopy and pale pink linens, along with a matching rocking chair and a plush area rug. Jack, on the other hand, had a different vision for the nursery. He wanted something playful and fun, with bright colors and whimsical decor. He had found a set of baby mobiles with tiny snowflakes and icicles, along with a set of toy shelves shaped like snowmen and reindeer. The couple had spent countless hours debating the pros and cons of each option, but neither was willing to budge. Elsa thought Jack's ideas were too loud and busy, while Jack thought Elsa's ideas were too boring and plain. As the due date drew nearer, the arguments became more intense. They both knew that the nursery needed to be ready before the baby arrived, but they couldn't seem to agree on anything.

One afternoon, Elsa walked into the nursery to find Jack hanging snowflake mobiles from the ceiling. She felt a pang of frustration as she watched him, knowing that the nursery wasn't supposed to look like this. 

"Jack, what are you doing?" she asked, trying to keep her voice calm. 

"I'm just trying to add a little bit of fun to the room," he replied, hanging another snowflake. 

"But we agreed on a theme, Jack. This isn't part of it," Elsa said, her voice rising a little. 

"I just thought it would look cute. What's the harm?" Jack asked, looking up at her with a playful smile." 

"The harm is that we're not on the same page, Jack. We can't just go around changing things without discussing it first," Elsa said, her frustration building. 

"I know, I'm sorry. I just wanted to surprise you," Jack said, his smile fading.

"I appreciate the gesture, but we need to work together on this. It's important," Elsa said, taking a deep breath.

"I know, you're right. Let's sit down and talk about it again," Jack said, putting down the snowflakes. 

They sat down on the plush rug in the middle of the room, surrounded by the different pieces of furniture and decor they had collected over the months. 

"I just want the nursery to be a calming and soothing place for the baby," Elsa said, looking around the room.

"I understand that, but I think we need to add a little bit of magic too. This is our child, after all," Jack said, picking up a snowman toy from the shelf. 

Elsa thought for a moment, considering his words. She knew that Jack had a point, that the nursery needed to reflect their unique personalities and style. But she also wanted to make sure that the baby felt safe and comfortable in its surroundings.

"I see your point, Jack. But we need to find a balance between fun and soothing. Maybe we can compromise and add some whimsical touches without going overboard," Elsa said, smiling at him.

"Okay, I think I can work with that. What do you have in mind?" Jack asked, eager to find a solution.

"Well, how about we keep the pastel colors and soft lighting, but add some little touches of magic? Maybe we can find some snowflake-shaped pillows or a cute mobile with snowmen and reindeer," Elsa suggested.

"I like that. And maybe we can paint some snowflakes on the walls or hang some fairy lights to add a bit of magic," Jack added, his enthusiasm growing.

Elsa smiled, feeling relieved that they had finally found a compromise. They spent the next few hours brainstorming ideas and making a list of items they needed to purchase. As they worked together, Elsa and Jack realized that the arguments they had been having weren't about the nursery at all. They were about their fears and anxieties about becoming parents. They were worried that they wouldn't be able to create a safe and loving environment for their child. But as they worked together, they began to see that they were a great team. They complemented each other's strengths and weaknesses, and they were able to find a compromise that they were both happy with. 

The nursery was finally complete, and it looked beautiful. The pastel colors and soft lighting created a calming and soothing environment, while the whimsical touches added a bit of magic and fun.As Elsa and Jack sat in the rocking chair, looking around the room, they both felt a sense of pride and excitement. They were about to embark on the biggest adventure of their lives, and they were ready for it.

"I can't wait to meet our little one," Elsa said, resting her hand on her pregnant belly. 

"Me too. And I know that with you by my side, we're going to be great parents," Jack said, leaning in to kiss her forehead.

As they sat there, basking in the glow of their accomplishments, Elsa and Jack knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together. And with the love and support of each other, they could conquer anything.

Jelsa OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now