28th Birthday

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Summary: Elsa celebrates her 28th birthday with family

It was a beautiful summer day in Arendelle, and Elsa, the Queen of the kingdom, was celebrating her 28th birthday at the castle. She had invited her sister Anna, Anna's boyfriend Kristoff, and their friend Olaf to join in the festivities.

As Elsa made her way down the grand staircase of the castle, she was greeted by her friends, who were all dressed in their finest attire. Anna wore a stunning blue dress with a matching tiara, while Kristoff looked dapper in a black suit. Olaf, being a snowman, didn't have much of a wardrobe to speak of, but he had adorned himself with a colorful scarf and hat.

"Happy birthday, Elsa!" Anna exclaimed as she rushed over to give her sister a big hug.

"Thank you, Anna," Elsa replied with a smile. "I'm so glad you all could make it."

As they made their way into the castle's grand hall, they were greeted by the sight of a large birthday cake, adorned with candles and surrounded by flowers. The room was decorated with streamers and balloons, and a small orchestra was playing in the corner.

Elsa couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed by all the attention, but she was grateful for the company of her loved ones. She took a deep breath and reminded herself to enjoy the moment.

As the party got underway, Elsa mingled with her guests and sampled the delicious food and drink that had been prepared for the occasion. She chatted with Anna about her recent adventures in the kingdom, and caught up with Kristoff on his latest business ventures.

Olaf, ever the life of the party, entertained everyone with his silly jokes and antics. He even got up on stage with the orchestra and sang a lively tune, much to the delight of the other guests.

As the evening wore on, Elsa began to feel a little tired. She had been working hard on her duties as queen, and the excitement of the party was starting to wear her out. She excused herself to her chambers to rest for a while.

As she lay down on her bed, Elsa thought about how much her life had changed since she had first come into her powers. She had once been so afraid of her own abilities, but now she had learned to embrace them and use them for the good of her kingdom.

She also thought about Jack, the handsome ice harvester whom she had met on her journey to discover the truth about her powers. They had fallen in love and had been together ever since. Elsa smiled as she thought about how lucky she was to have him in her life.

After a short nap, Elsa was refreshed and ready to rejoin the party. She made her way back down to the grand hall, where the festivities were still in full swing.

As she entered the room, Jack rushed over to greet her. "Happy birthday, my love," he whispered, taking her hand.

"Thank you, Jack," Elsa replied, smiling up at him.

The two of them spent the rest of the night dancing and laughing together. They twirled around the dance floor, lost in each other's arms, and forgot about everything else in the world.

At midnight, the party began to wind down, and the guests started to make their way home. Elsa said goodbye to Anna, Kristoff, and Olaf, and thanked them for making her birthday so special.

As Jack and Elsa made their way up to their chambers, they walked hand in hand, enjoying the peace and quiet of the castle. They finally reached their room, and Jack closed the door behind them.

He turned to Elsa and took her in his arms. "I have one more surprise for you, my love," he whispered.

He led her over to a window, where they could see the beautiful night sky outside. As Elsa looked up, she saw something that took her breath away.

The sky was ablaze with shimmering lights, a breathtaking display of the Northern Lights. Elsa gasped in wonder, her eyes shining with delight.

"How did you manage to arrange this?" she asked, turning to Jack with a smile.

"I have my ways," he replied with a grin.

The two of them stood there, watching the lights dance across the sky, lost in their own thoughts. For Elsa, it was a reminder of the beauty and magic that surrounded her every day. For Jack, it was a symbol of the love and devotion he felt for Elsa.

As the night wore on, they snuggled together under a warm blanket, savoring the peace and quiet of the castle. For a brief moment, there were no worries or responsibilities, no pressing matters of state to attend to. There was only the two of them, and the love they shared.

As the first light of dawn began to creep into the sky, Elsa and Jack finally drifted off to sleep, still wrapped in each other's arms. It had been a magical birthday celebration, one that Elsa would never forget. And as she drifted off to sleep, she knew that there would be many more wonderful moments like this to come, as long as she had the love and support of her friends and family. 

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