The Lost Ship

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Summary: Anna and Elsa venture to the spot where their parent's ship was lost.


The rise of the orange sun shone brightly over the horizon of the vast sea. In the distance, clouds collected like large pools of steam. As the boat tilted steadily, the waves slapping against the sides of the ship. Lieutenant Mattias looked out at the bleeding sky before returning to keeping his gaze steady on the wheel at his hands.

At the bow, Anna overlooked the sea sighing as she soaked in the last of the warm wind. She always wondered what it would be like to set sail right at sunset, and this moment had become exactly what she envisioned. Although she was anticipating being more emotional, finding a calm moment was something she didn't mind.

Beside her, Elsa gripped the edge of the boat tightly, her knuckles turning white from the pressure. The constant swaying of the boat made Elsa feel more dizzy than usual, attempting to stabilize herself and her stomach by clinging to the boat for dear life. Olaf stood beside her, waiting with a bucket in hand just in case.

"I'm so nervous for what we'll find are you?" Anna asked, turning her head to face her sister. Elsa failed to make eye contact and kept her gaze to the wooden floorboards beneath her.

"I think your sister is trying to get her sea legs! I remember when I first got mine years ago. I was turning green- if snowmen even can!" he laughed moving the bucket closer towards Elsa.

Elsa squeezed her eyes shut. "How much longer until we find the spot?" she asked bluntly.

Mattias breathed in deeply. "According to the map, we should be stumbling upon it any moment now."

Kristoff stood up from a chair and rolled his eyes. "That's what you said hours ago," he groaned.

Anna scoffed. "He's been so kind to guide us this far, we have to give him at least some credit!"

Mattias readjusted his collar. "Your majesty would this be a proper place to pause for the day?"

The sky had now transformed into dark blue, glowing brightly on the water. A tiny sliver of the moon rose in the far distance eager to rise for the night. They had sailed all day North towards the shipwreck of Iduna and Agnarr in hopes of discovering evidence left behind with the help of Elsa's powers. Anna was determined to find any secrets that lied underneath the deep blue, even if it meant pushing herself past the brink. She looked around at her family, who now wore long faces while staring at the sea.

"I think this is a great place to pause Mattias," she smiled then sat by Kristoff.

They spent the rest of the day cleaning the deck, mopping where they could and prepared to cook dinner out underneath the open sky. Anna knew tomorrow would be a big day for her and her sister if they found anything. As the open flame grew high, she felt the warmth on her face burn her cheeks.

Sitting around the fire, Olaf cuddled close to Elsa, Mattias sat near Kristoff, and Anna kept focus on the roasting food.

"How are you feeling now Elsa?" she asked breaking the silence.

Taking her gaze away from the fire momentarily she gave her sister a weak smile. "I'm okay- how are you feeling?"

Knowing her sister deflected the question she curled her knees to her chest. "I'm feeling okay too. I'm just hoping things go okay tomorrow..."

Elsa noticed Anna seemed more hesitant than usual, unlike her normal confident self. She wished she could provider her comfort but was feeling anxious herself.

"So, what's the plan tomorrow honey?" Kristoff twirled his ear of hot corn over the fire.

She had not devised any sort of plan for sending her sister down through the ocean. Feeling a bit sheepish she faked a smile.

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