Pref #9 - When He's in the Mood

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•i found this on tumblr and thought it was good
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He'll be sitting on the edge of the bed, head resting in his hands, balanced on his knees, and you just know. A soft sigh will escape his mouth, and he'll turn towards you, dark eyes filled with desire meeting yours. You drag your knees up to your chest, knowing what's about to come next. Slowly, he'll crawl across the bed, until his face is mere centimeters from yours. "Y/n," he'll whisper, "Let's play Mario Kart again."


It doesn't matter where you are or who you're with, he's always obvious about it, not giving a damn about etiquette or discreteness. He'll walk into the room, hands on hips, and stare at you until you acknowledge him. He doesn't care if it takes seconds or minutes, he'll just keep staring, waiting, with those blue eyes piercing into you. Finally you'll give in and notice him. "DINNER," he always says. "NOW. LET'S GO."


Surprisingly, he's coy about it, never coming out directly and saying it. He'll dance around the subject, leaving clues and hints, pretending that he doesn't even know what he's doing. He'll skirt around the topic so damn obviously that you're forced to confront him about it. "Well, honestly I don't care," he says smirking, "but if you want to go out, I guess it couldn't hurt."


He'll just ask. He doesn't even think about it, once he wants it, it's on his mind and he can't get it out of his head. You could be enjoying a cup of coffee or out getting groceries, when you least expect it, and he'll just turn towards you and say, "Y/n, let's go antique shopping."


It always starts the same. About a week before, he becomes restless, waking up early and pacing the house, running his hand through his hair. Each day becomes a little worse, he spends more and more time out of the house, sometimes just walking around aimlessly. He won't admit it, but you see him eyeing the door and glancing longingly at his suitcase. You both try to ignore it, but sure enough, after a week of torture, he unceremoniously wakes you up with a shout, "Y/n!" he yells, opening the window, the light blinding you. "Get packed! We're going to L.A. I already bought the tickets."


when I said how many feels you'd get I meant feels of "Oh god that was so funny! I'm laughing my ass off!"

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