Chapter 11

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“Just keep swimming....” - Dory

Malia's Pov

The next few days was uneventful.
Serve men, clean tables, then go back to our was like a cycle, an unbearable one at that.
Sighing softly, I then wrote down the rest of the male's order.

My thoughts running briefly on him. Our last encounter still freshly imprinted within my mind.
How'd he know which is our room exactly?.
That, I still haven't found out.

Sighing, I stomped towards Lisa while telling her my order.
My actions making her smile a bit.

“ Tomorrow makes a week of you being here, I'd think you'd warm up to the lifestyle by now”, she spoke while pouring the contents within a glass that had ice then handing it to me.

Snickering at her reply I slid off the stool and made my way towards the customer who's order I've just taken. He was tall and lean, with tan skin and amber eyes. He was handsome.
“Ascanio is better”, my subconscious jumped in causing me to pinch myself secretly.
Ascanio's a jerk.

“here goes your whiskey on ice”, I murmured while placing it down before him and turning in attempts of leaving.

“Minuscolo”, (tiny) he then spoke, which brought me to a halt. Turning around I  eyed his outstretched, closed fist which was turnt downwards in an “giving positing”. 
Realizing my hesitancy he spoke again,
“Its fine, you can outstretch your palm. You won't loose it”, while chuckling a bit.

Hesitantly I stretched my opened palm towards his closed one which he placed on mines while dropping what it feels like paper in my palm.

Looking down I then realized it was a 100 dollar note.
“Thanks for the service”, he spoke while lifting his drink towards me and flashing a dashing smile.
After looking at him for a couple more seconds I  hummed and murmured a small “No problem” then looking back at the money in my had. Contemplating if I should take it or not. Then what Lisa mentioned about not having use for the money now but later I might popped in my head, causing me to not object.
The money made aunty flash in my mind. Oh, how much she loves money.
Why couldn't I be getting all this money when I was free?
I'd definitely buy myself something pretty, and some copies of my favorite books, but here?, this really has no use.

“Mal?”, Lisa's voice broke me from my trace as I slid on the bar stool.
“Spacing out again I see...”, she mumbled to herself but I overheard anyways.

“Guess what I've got?”, I asked while placing my empty palm under my chin and looking at her directly.

Looking up from whatever she was shuffling with beneath the counter she eyed me while asking a soft “Whats that?"
“Guess....”, I replied.
“Mal .....”, she trailed on.
“Lisaaaaa”, I drew out.

“Just tell me, I'm tired right now. I can't think”.
Sighing, I then opted on giving up. It's been a long day after all.
“Fine..I'll tell you”, I said while smiling.
I then lightly slammed my hand that consisted of the money on the counter and dramatically slowly begun turning it over, showing her the 100 dollars.

“I got money!. And this time I accepted it, like you suggested”, I continued on.

Realizing that her brows are scrunched my smile instantly faltered.
“Whats wrong?”, I asked, a bit of worry overtaking me.

“Malia.... whoever gave you this didn't request anything of you right?, I Know I told you it's smart to take the cash but I don't want you to let them use you fo-"

“Huh?”, I spoke, cutting off her ranting.
“ No. He gave me this as a way of saying thanks for my service”, I smiled.
“Im okay Lise..”
Sighing she rubbed my hand with hers while murmuring a “Make sure” and telling me to “Put it up well” in which I replied an “Okie” to.

Turning on the bar stool I looked around the room which is filled with men touching women and women touching men, a sight that bothers me but not as much as it did the first day I got here.

“What time is it?”, I asked Lisa while watching a pink girl touch a male there. Being clothed or not its still not something I want to see, which made me shift my sight quickly while feeling my face grow hot.

... crazy how that girl is really enjoying her captivity.

“11: 45. Almost closing time. Well, not closing time because we'll still be in this hell hole but more like resting time I should say”, she said while looking at her shiney pink watch, another thing that she stated was a present from a companion

Hearing her words my anxiety begun to rise.
I haven't seen Ascanio since that night. Which worries me.
Not because of him, but because he's the one who gave me hope, hope of him actually terminating this place like he mentioned..
Hope to be free.
My 18th birthday is in a few days.  And I really don't want to celebrate it here. I love my birthday.

More over,I don't want to spend many other birthdays here. Feeling my hands begining to get cold, I started breathing a little too fast while shaking a bit.
Overthinking getting the best of me and causing me to panic.

“Hey?”, Lisa spoke while grabbing my hand.
Watching her speed walk away I then saw her return with a liquor glass filled with clear liquid which she directed towards my lips, making me shake my head.

I can't drink alcohol.
“It's okay, it's just water. You need to drink it and relax. I don't want you to pass out”

Taking the glass with Shakey hands I drank its contents. The coolness of the glass against my palm being oddly comforting.
Taking the glass from me she then spoke while ruffling my hair a bit,“Stay here and relax. The girls and I will work on closing tonight. If you need anything holler at me”.
Watching her walk away, I then sighed and turnt towards the counter while laying my cheek against my arm, and almost immediately, I begun crying.

Not really caring about the prying eyes of others.
Im just so tired. Tired of serving drinks and tired of being in the same area.
I miss reading at the library, and I especially missed walking on a cool evening from the library.
If only someone could find this place and ruin it, we wouldn't have to be stuck here.
I hate this place.. why am I so unfortunate?
Wiping my cheeks I sat up straight while taking deep breaths.
“stop crying'll be okay”, I whispered to myself, trying hard to believe.
God help me.

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