Chapter 18

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"Look at how far you've gotten. Be proud of yourself."-random quotes by your author

Malia's Pov

It's been two weeks, one week and two days since I've seen Mr. Buff, who's name is Ryan which he admitted on our last time of conversing; and five days since we've rented an apartment and begun working at one of Ascanio's associates coffee shop.
Well, Ryan said she's a friend but I think she hired us due to bribery or the fare of loosing her life. But I didn't question it. I'm too happy to be free to question things.

And honestly. Life is going well.
Our manager is the cashier, while myself alongside Lisa makes the orders of the customers. Turns out Lisa was a very good barista, and worked in the area before being taken by those predictors.

Today was a busy day. The morning rush worn the hell out of me and honestly closing these doors never felt better. Due to most of our sales coming from nearby office workers we finish everyday by 4pm and start at 7.

Removing my apron and head cap I pulled my hair from it's loose bun, after giving it a fresh wash and comb through early this morning it was looking alive..which is hardly due to my normal lack of attention to my hair on a daily basis. As im most times too busy to worry about what my curls looks like ever since living with my aunt. I also spoke to my bestie. And what's shocking was the fact that she mentioned that my aunt did not file a missing report. How can someone be so.... carefree?.
After explaining what happened and where I'm at we're meeting tomorrow. She'll be visiting during my lunch hours..and im excited. Ive longed to see my best friend....and him.  No.
No I don't miss that crazy man. He kills people.

..but you do miss him tho.
Shaking away the stupid thoughts I sighed out dramatically.

“ Are you ready ?. I packed an extra chocolate muffin in here for you”, Lise said while holding up a paper bag with the company's logo nicely written on it.

linda's cafe

“Johnny johnny???”, I then begun singing the nursery rhyme which made Lisa raise a brow. Clearly puzzled.

“Stealing cupcakes?”
“ Absolutely no-”
“Telling lies ??!”
“No Papa”, she then catched on making me laugh but continue on.

“Open your bag....”

Laughing, she hid it hurriedly behind her back while asking “What brown bag?”.
“oh no. It has vanished!. I think a fairy took it!. Orrrr, it's right behind you!”. I joked while trying to snatch the bag.

“Hey c'mon!. It's not stealing if it's going to good use right?”
Tapping my chin lightly I the smiled widely while nodding.
“ That is very much true”

“Right. So let's go”, she then ushered while pulling me out of the lunch room towards the exit while bidding our manager goodbye.

Freedom. That's what it feels like everyday after a long day of work. But something about today was better, I'm not sure if it's the overcast weather or the extra cool wind, but this is euphoria.

“Lets buy some fast food. I don't feel like cooking tonight. I just want to shower and lay down after eating someone else's labour ”. Lisa said while tugging me in the direction of the small mall that had multiple restaurants.
“ Hey!. I cook sometimes too you know!. No need to sound so enslaved”.
Turning to me she pointed her finger at me while replying
“Not enslaved, a mother with a young kit”.

Laughing out loudly, I then knitted my eyebrows together in offense.
“ I am not a kit”
“Right. You are a kitten”
Shaking my head I made a pssh sound.
“As if”
Ignoring me she changed the topic. .

“Subway?”, she questioned in which I meekly nodded my head in confirmation. “Subway”.

After ordering a toasted foot long rotisserie chicken sandwich along with two cup drinks we came home. Dissected the sandwich into half then headed to our individual room. Entering my room I headed straight to my coffee table resting my food down but almost turnt everything over when I turnt around to be faced with a figure sitting on my bed.

Yelping, I hurriedly flicked on the lights to be met with those dark eyes. The ones that I fight so hard not to think about. The ones that I thought I'd probably never see again.


Standing up, I watched as he slowly approached me.
A smile lingering on his lips.
Stopping at a distance he then eyed me from head to toe then slightly nodding.
The audacity.
He then used a hand to gently lay at the crown of my head. Making me jerk at the sudden gesture.
“So tempting for what”, he then murmured, stepping back.

Staring dumbfounded at him I then moved my eyes to the floor. His presence makes me nervous.
Fumbling with my fingers I then took a deep breath then beginning to speak.
“Ive wanted to see you...”, I trailed off, afterwards taking a deep breath.

“ Look. I haven't gotten a chance to thank you. For helping us”.
Sucking in a deep breath I then took a step forward, taking one of his big hands into mine.

“Dont-”, he spoke harshly while with drawing his hand...making me halt abruptly while quickly diverting my eyes from his.


“ I am not a child who you can thank with words. I have my own requirements”
This captured my attention.

“ what do you mean?”, I trailed off.
“ I want.”, he spoke gruffly while stepping closer. His hands within his pockets.
Hes so ...pretty.

No. He's probably a player.

A kiss”.

I questioned, my eyes becoming wide as saucers.

“Huh?”. He mocked while walking closer as I stepped back.

Diverting my gaze I shook my head.

“I- I can't kiss you”. I rushed out while outstretching my hand in a stopping manner..

“Stay a-away!”.. I squealed out while watching him raise his hand to touch me.

I can feel my heart racing. Why does he have to torment me.

Chuckling lowly he stopped and stood still while staring at me with a small smile.

“Come here”, he then spoke again. This time with alot of authority.

“No-". I then begun but stopped.  Feeling myself being pulled forward by neck some what harshly.


... thoughts??

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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