Chapter 14

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" It's crazy how what we see affects what we feel"- random quotes by your author

Malia's Pov

Squinting my eyes I registered his words.
"What do you mean?.."

Rolling his eyes he turnt back around and continued dragging me forward. My mouth stayed shut due to my brain processing what he just said about Marco.
I knew this place was dirty but children. Ofcourse, I myself isn't grown. No one can possibly be grown enough to be thrown into such a lifestyle.

Watching as he turnt the handle of a random door my breathing became uneven. Is he gonna shoot me?
I should've known to keep my distance from him, he's downright evil.

Quickly roaming my eyes around the room I recognized it was an office.
Who on earth has an office beneath this place.
It's crazy how someone considers this a business.

I then watched as he went behind the large mahogany wood desk and begun rummaging through the drawers.

"Where the fuck is it.", he grunted while digging through a draw full of papers.

"Ahhhh! Here it fucking is!", he then chanted out while lifting the folder like a prize and staring directly in my eyes.
Which made me even more lightheaded
He looks like sin. The type of sin thats scary yet so inviting..

"Why so far?. Come. Closer." , he then spoke again while seating himself on the front of the desk.

Fear trickled beneath my skin as I inched a bit forward.

"Sit.", he spoke again, this time more impatiently while titling his head to the direction of one of the three seats positioned close before the desk.

Trembling I slowly sat in the chair furthest from him.

he's so pretty, I then thought as I watched him tilt his head while eyeing me dangerously and smiling a bit, almost unnoticeably.

"You see Fiore (flower), I believe in enlightenment before a punishment.", he trailed on and begun rummaging through the drawers on the inner front of the desk.

"Marco D'Angelo. Age- 23. Russian Mafia. Home- Moscow"
He then threw the file on the ground then loosened his tie a bit, afterwards pulling his a knife from the side of his shoe.

"So you like fucking Russian scums who upholds sex trains don't you?", He then asked while staring at me unblinkingly.

"Do you know who you've been entertaining?. Or what he could do to you?. Do you know what I could do to you?"

Gripping the edge of the chair I stared back at him, annoyance burning within me.

He says everything so horribly.
And moreover, that's not true. Marco approached me. It wasn't the other way around. To hell I'd ever date a guy from here. They're all crazy criminals.

"You are one to here t-oo. And I don't like Marco. It's not nice to assume". I replied, stuttering a bit in the process.

"See, now that's where your wrong, and oblivious. I have many interest Fiore ( flower). But force fucking a woman isn't one of them."
Standing up he then pulled a cigar from his top pocket and lit it, then taking a long drag and releasing the smoke then continuing...

"Im a smart man. I believe in killing when it's least expected. It's much easier to gain access with peace. Don't you think?", he continued on while smiling sinisterly.

"Like you did to Rosalie?..", I whispered out.

Chuckling a bit he threw his head back while exhaling even more smoke this time. Then looking dead into my eyes.

" precisely.", he then spoke back. His voice holding no remorse.
After staring at me wordlessly for what felt like forever he then stood straight while holding his hands behind him.

"You're not very keen of your surroundings aren't you?", he then asked lowly. His voice holding the unknown.

Scrunching my eyebrows together I opened my mouth wordlessly then asked
"What do you mean?".

Chuckling shortly he then gestures his head to the dimly lit corner of the office. Following his gaze I gasped in horror.
The lower half of a male was visible, the other half seemingly went through the doorway that led to a small adjoined room.

"Well don't sit there. Help him", he then ordered while folding his arms across his defined chest.

Looking at him with eyes wider than saucers I stayed still. Thoughts of one thing only lingering in my head. He's probably dead.
Shivering I shook my head in defiance. There's no way I'm going there. I thought while cold sweats begun hitting me in waves.

Watching as he pulled his gun from his waist I begun to panic even more, making my eyes beginning to swell with tears. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears.

Standing he then spoke again, this time more deadly.
"I said. Help. Him"

That was enough to get me to my feet while trembling towards the body.

Upon nearing, my hand flew to my mouth in shock and mortification, I then jerked back, causing me to fall on my bum.

The sight of a senior male laying on his back with the largest cut ive ever seen on a neck took me back drastically. His face was also slightly dark blue.
Indicating that he's been there for plenty hours.

Hot tears cascaded down my face as I took note of the sight.
His's slit open.

Panicking, I pushed myself as far back as possible while crying lividly.

Shifting my gaze to Ascanio's unfazed expression. I begun to gag a bit.

"Yo-u You-"

"Well you didn't think it was my office now did you?. C'mon fiore (flower). You know I hate this shithole", he said while chuckling and walking towards me.

"I hope you know this is your punishment. For defying me and for flirting with another man."

Trembling I scrambled back from him until my back met the wall.

Crouching before me he then lifted my chin, trying to meet my eyes which I screwed shut.
"Open your eyes now. Before the next body you see is one of someone close to you. Be thankful. This man runs this place. If u listened you wouldn't have seen it ".
I then trembled as I watch him reach into his pocket while removing a golden necklace, then placing it around my neck, making me flinch.
Standing he then outstretched his hand, his eyes holding a dare of defiance.

Shakily I held his outstretched palm in which he then pulled me up and brought me in towards his chest, hugging me a bit.

"Happy birthday Malia".

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