Chapter 7

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They drove along, up the roads they go. Stopping at the red lights blocking the way, driving onwards hopefully to soon arrive at the place. They didn't want to show up late, but this isn't as busy of a place compared to an actual hospital. So the waiting rooms should be quick like 10 minutes maybe, but who knows sometimes things are more simple in our heads compared to actual reality.

They arrived and entering the building. Bryan's mother letting the people at the front desk to know that they're here. Bryan just sat down in the waiting room in boredom looking around, looks a bit boring and lame. Newspapers that are outdated, probably from the 1970's, thats how old they look. But he just sat there, the newspapers and magazines looked like lame boring old people stuff, maybe people in their late 80's would read them to remember good times or what not.

The mother signed the paperwork as you do, when it is your first time visiting that place. We waited for minutes doing nothing the mother was reading the newspaper, so she is way older compared to how she appears. Looking like she's in her 30's, but acting like it's the late 80's, well just shows me the proof that adults are old, and boring. Or is this just a child's view on an older person? Always thinking anything outdated is from the 1800th.

The counsellor called our names, as he stood up and walked on in his mini room. I sat nearest to the man; my mother was next to me. It was awkwardly quiet for the first few seconds, but then he started to talk. "So, I heard that you, lost your very close friend not long ago." He said kindly. "I know it can be hard, but explain what you felt when you heard the news?" He said wonderingly. "I don't know, it was strange at first. But then a heartache pain was felt. A pain I wasn't used too, tears were flowing downwards repeatedly!" Bryan said, feeling sad about what had happened to his friend. "So, what was the last thing you did with Taylor?" He said wonderingly. "Well, we were at school. We weren't doing much; I knew I was in an upset mood. I told her something that I never told anyone before." He said in a serious voice, yet sad. "What is this something you told her?" The man asked.

The room darkened; the heart was racing. The fear and anxiousness feeling kicked back in, he was nervous. Too nervous to say, his mother was there what if she betrays him like Johnny's family! Trapped in a room, forced to open up with the past tragedies and secrets that hide within. His face lightened, a sign of nervousness and scared. The clock ticked louder, as nervousness shows around the room. "You ok Bryan?" The man asked. "Yes" Bryan said nervously.  "Well, well, well. I told her. That... I was... I am... Gay." Bryan said awkwardly, and nervously. "Why were you afraid to say it at first?" The man asked questioning. "Well, because of how one may react towards this thing that most disapprove." Bryan said shyly.

"Do you think this situation with your friend passing away, affects you to the point you don't feel like continuing?" The man looked at Bryan asking in a serious tone. "Well, it will be difficult at first as it would be for all, but i'll be fine. I'll find ways around, won't forget her but will be fine." Bryan said as the appointment was now over, a new appointment was being booked in a months' time to see the long-term effects.

They both walked out the building, the mother would get an Email when the next appointment is booked, or a call. They both walked towards the car, as they go in, they started driving back home stopping at the red lights that blocked the way as usual. "I love you no matter what Bryan, I'm trying to help you. It's hard at first but it will get better." The mother said trying to be supportive. "You said you were gay, that's cool. Don't be afraid to tell me stuff I won't judge you. You're my son I love you." The mother said in a loving mother's voice tone, trying to let the son know how much he means to her. "Thanks, it's just not the easiest at the time being." He said annoyedly, and depressingly. He doesn't know what to do, but he knows he can't just sit there crying all day! Must come a time, must come a time that you move onwards, never forgetting them. But living life, because everyone will face tragedies.

They arrived home after hours of nonsense, Bryan went to his room removing all his clothes then fell asleep. Dreaming a dream about Johnny being by his side and Taylor being there with him, the 3 all happy. Without the darkness that life has to offer us all. Life isn't always so straight forward, many lines and turns, blocks and reverses. Life is difficult to clearly get a real understanding of how it works.

Bryan had all these feelings, feelings of love, and heartwarming feelings. Feelings he felt towards Johnny, his dreamy eyes his wonderful personality. His sexy body, with a fantastic smile. The way he shines in the sunlight, the way how night never blocks his shine as he always sparkles with love and joy. Love that feels so unreal, yet it is real. A love that was truly undying. He dreamed of holding his hand, sitting by a bench giving him a huge side hug. Leaning inwards giving him a kiss on the most beautifulest lips, or the warmths of his soft cheeks. A love so real, it is basically unbreakable. The way he smiles, it's enough to give you happiness. The way he speaks, a voice so smoothing it relaxes you. Like a younger version of 'Morgan Freeman' with the sweet soft toned voice.

Bryan wanted to tell him how he felt about Johnny, but fears for his reaction. But he must give it a shot, or regret it till the day he dies. Bryan was going to tell him about the feelings he had for him, one day, or whenever he gets to see him around next.

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