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Forth came out from the doctor's cabin. Beam came out from the room after Forth , carrying Akira in his arms.

" Is he okay?" Wayo went near them to check on Akira.

" Ahh he is okay. Just some slight fever" Beam answered while slightly smiling at Wayo.

" I'm Wayo in case you want to know" Wayo extended his hand for a handshake.

" Beam and it's my son Akira" Beam awkwardly shook his hand with Wayo.

" Aww such a cute baby you have. I'm so jealous. " Wayo said cooing at the baby.

" P ' Pha I want a baby now " Wayo glared at Phana.

Phana gave him a ' are you serious ' look.

Kit went near Beam and checked on Akira.

" Thank you Sir for your generosity.  I think we should go now" Beam said while bowing his head.

Akira was now in Kit's arm .

"Why so soon? Let's have dinner together" Wayo proposed.

" Ahh .. we...." Kit started.

" I know you didn't eat anything" Ming cut his sentence.

" So, it's settled then. Let's go " Wayo grabbed Beam's hand and dragged him towards their cars again.

" Sir , I think ..." Beam tried to think for a reason.

" No Sir.. you are coming" Wayo pushed Beam inside Forth's car but this time in the backseat.

Beam stumbled over Forth who was already sitting inside.

' woww!!! He is fast' Beam thought seeing Forth already siting inside the car while reading something on his iPad.

This time a driver was driving the car.

Beam tried to seat away further from Forth as much as possible.

" You can seat comfortably. I won't bite" Forth plainly said while eyeing on his iPad.

Beam was feeling more agitated sitting beside Forth alone .

When Forth saw Beam was still in his same position, Forth gently grabbed Beam's arm and tucked Beam in his seat properly.

Warm sensation flowed through Beam's blood when Forth touched him .

"What do you want to eat ?" Forth asked still checking something on his iPad.

"Ahhh... Anything?" Beam was beyond confused . Beam couldn't understand Forth's change of mood. Forth's mood swing was faster than the storm.

"Your seatbelt" Forth said still looking at his iPad.

" Huh?" Beam starred at Forth not understanding his words. ' what is a seatbelt now?' Beam looked around.

Forth looked at the confused Beam while sighing.

' patience Forth .. patience ' Forth chanted in his mind. Forth was really tired from all of his work. Forth couldn't understand who was the real Beam.

Forth went near Beam to help Beam with his seatbelt. Beam became freeze because of Forth's close proximity. Beam closed his eyes while tightly grabbing at his clothes.

Forth looked at the pale Beam . For their close proximity he could see the dark circles under Beam's eyes. Forth's eyes then went down towards Beam's lucious red lips . Beam was biting his lips nervously. Pink colour was tinting Beam's cheeks beautifully. Forth could smell Beam's natural aroma . Forth didn't want to admit it but it was really sweet. Something addictive.

When Forth didn't move away from his hovering position over Beam, Beam slowly opened his eyes. Beam looked at Forth innocently through his long beautiful eye lashes.

" Are you afraid of me?" Forth suddenly asked out of nowhere. ' stupid Forth.. offcourse he is , after all of your great works ' Forth mentally scolded himself for asking this stupid question. He didn't want to ask this but it just slipped out from his mouth.

Before Beam could answer the car suddenly stopped with a halt. Because of the force Forth toppled over Beam. Forth's warm lips touched Beam's shivering neck. Beam's sweet scent was stronger here. Forth wanted to snuggle there more.

But before Forth could snuggle there more a few gunshots were heard. Forth became alert. He moved away from Beam and took out his Gun from his seat.

" Sir they have just appeared out of nowhere" the bodyguard informed Forth through his earbuds.

" Shit" Forth cursed.

" Aaa...Akira" Beam managed to say with his shaking voice while tugging on Forth's clothes. Then Forth realized Beam was with him. Forth looked at Beam who was shaking visibly but still being cautious arround Forth. ' Shit Forth... How much is he afraid of you ' Forth thought.

Then Forth realized Beam was asking about Akira.

" Oh fuck" Forth again cursed while remembering about Akira.

" Dan protect Ming's car more" Forth ordered through his earbuds.

" I...aa.. uhh" Beam was trying to say something but his words were not making any sense.

Forth looked at the shivering Beam who was grabbing his coat . Tears started to pricking on Beam's eyes . But Beam's eyes were also asking Forth for Akira's assurance.

Forth couldn't take it anymore. He just hugged Beam tightly. Beam couldn't control his tears anymore.

"I..I.." Beam again tried to say with his quivering voice.

" It's okay. Akira is safe with Ming. He will be okay" Forth gently tried to assure crying Beam while patting his back gently in his hug.

A few gunshots were again heard. Beam grabbed Forth more tightly while crying. Forth tried to gently assured Beam that everything will be okay.

Forth softly held Beam's chin and turned it upwards to look at his eyes.

" I will not let anything happen to him . The cars are bulletproof. " Forth softly assured him.

Beam nodded his head lightly. Forth wipped Beam's tears away from his rosy cheeks and lightly brushed Beam's soft black hairs. But gunshots were heard again breaking their affectionate moment.

Beam snuggled more on Forth's body.
' control Forth.. when did you even become gay?' Forth tried to control his arousal feeling Beam's soft warm body against him . ' he is already afraid of you. Don't make him more afraid. But how is it even possible for a man to have this kind of soft and delicate body? Hell he is delicate than  women out there. Now stop it moron ' Forth's mind couldn't stop about thinking Beam's soft warm body against him.

" Sir the road is cleared now" Forth's guards informed him .

" At my penthouse" Forth said through his earbuds.

With that all of their cars moved towards Forth's penthouse.



Hey guys,

Sorry for the late update.

Like I told you before it was really hard to maintain my timetable after the classes have started. And versity week is going much work 🤧but I really like to do these works. So much fun with lots of works.

I hope you will bear with it 🤧

Love you guys 💜💜💜

I will try to upload the next chapter as soon as possible ❤️❤️

For then enjoy lovelies ✨

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