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Forth was so in love with Beam that he didn't want to leave the village without Beam. He knew Beam was going to suffer again after he left the village. Before Forth met him , Beam was even afraid of speaking because some people used to say him that his voice was irritating and after hearing his voice they lost their good mood.

Forth realized it later that Beam followed him when he was assigned to help Forth because whenever Beam was with Forth no one dared to bother him . Forth was always a safe zone for Beam.

Beam always got sad whenever Forth mentioned about leaving the village. When Forth noticed it he promised Beam that he wouldn't leave him alone here.

Forth wanted to spend more time here with Beam because he knew once he left the village it wouldn't be same for them. Maybe he even had to hide Beam from everyone. Because Forth had a weak point now. If his enemies came to know about him then they would obviously hurt Beam to get Forth. Forth didn't want it to  happen.

Suddenly Lee informed Forth that there was a conspiracy going on against the royal family and Forth had to left the village soon , because the royal family needs him . From his mother's side Forth was also a royal. Forth wanted to take Beam with him but he knew it was not right time to take Beam with him .

So, he promised Beam that he would come back to take Beam with him . Beam cried but he didn't want to burden Forth. What both of them didn't know was that a little life was growing inside Beam.

Beam was glowing differently before Forth left him . Forth just wanted to hide Beam . He didn't want to leave Beam alone while Beam was radiating his beauty like this.

Before he left the village Forth took Beam to the lake from which their relationship took a new turn . They spent the whole day there swimming, laughing and making love. Forth made one last passionate love to Beam inside the water before leaving the village.

Forth gave the old man , the owner of the hotel some money to take care of Beam. Forth even gave Beam money even though Beam was not ready to accept it.

Forth left the village with a heavy heart.
Forth used the public van with the village people which was the only source of transport in the hills .

But in the way to city their van was stopped by some people. Forth thought it was a regular robbery. Because they were in the middle of many hills. No village was near that area.

The robbers were wearing black masks. The black mask people told everyone to come out from the van . People came out with fear seeing the guns .

Two masks men held Forth and told the others to get inside the van again. They told Forth to silently go with them otherwise they would hurt these villagers. The people started to cry.

Forth tried to control his anger. Forth realized that these people are not robbers. They were here for Forth .

Forth already activated his danger button on tracker. Forth knew Lee never came without guards to the village.

Forth tried to resist to buy some time till Lee came. Forth knew it was his fault to tell Lee that he should take the next van which was 1hour later.

Seeing Forth resisted , the leader of the gang got angry and broke the break of the van . The he ordered the driver of van to start it . The driver start the van because of fear  . Forth tried to stop the driver and started to fight with the gang . But the driver already started the van seeing the gun at his head. But the van soon fell from the hill after losing its control.

In the meantime Lee came there with the guards. The gang became restless seeing them . One mask man hit Forth behind his head to make him unconscious but Forth fell on the ground and hit head hard on a rock . They didn't able to take Forth with them but Forth's head was bleeding too much. Lee came to his rescue but it was too late. Forth's condition was not good and the people inside the van already died. Lee sent help for the people but it was no use. No one was alive inside the small van .

Some of the bodies were not even found.
With that accident Tae also died because Forth forgot everything about the village. There was a big gap of 1year  in his memory. But it didn't affect him that much because most of those months , Forth spend on the village.

No one told Forth about the village and about the attack .

He was told that he hit his head hard after being drunk that's why he had wound in his head. He thought he was drunk that's why he didn't remember anything.

But there was many questions on Forth's head like why he was drunk like that because Forth usually don't drink like that.

His enemy even got Forth and Beam's picture. But when Forth didn't react after seeing the photo the enemies thought that person with Beam was not Forth.

Forth's family took the advantage of the situation and cleaned everything about Beam. Yes , Forth's family obviously knew about Beam. They didn't want Beam in Forth's life. For Forth's family their reputation was something they protect with their life . They were not homophobic but they didn't want a lowlife like Beam to be Forth's partner.

Phana was abroad at that time. He didn't know about this accident.

Ming was too busy with the conspiracy with his family that he believed whatever rubbish his family told him . But Ming later came to know that Forth got into an accident and it was not good for Forth to remember anything about the accident. Ming was not convinced but he didn't think about that deeply because he was too busy with his own messed up life.

Lee told Forth's parents that he couldn't lie anymore to Forth that's why he left his job as Forth's assistant. Lee felt guilty. He knew he couldn't go against Forth's parents that's why he decided to shut his mouth about the incident. Lee left the city with his family to start a new life. And with him the incident also left from Forth's life.

The therapist told Forth's parents that with regular therapy sessions, medicine and baby steps Forth would regain his memory but he didn't know how much time it will take. Hearing that Forth's family stopped his therepy session and medicine. No one talked about that incident because no one knew about it.

Like that 3years had passed but Forth sometimes dreamt about some scenes, specially happy moments but he couldn't put a proper face in those dreams.

And those dreams felt so real like memories.

But at the end all those dreams were just dreams for Forth.



So, finally all the secrets revealed 🥹❤️.

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