New Job

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Contains swearing, kissing, physical touch, lemon, bit of smut

(This paragraph is mainly background information and getting to know the character but you can skip if you want to)

*sigh* I need to get a job since I'm 17 now. Every since mine and LB/N (little brothers name) died in that horrible car accident we've been on our own, I even had to drop out of school so I can take care of LB/N. We've lived off of the inheritance of money for a few months but now it's running low. I feel really bad for LB/N though since he's only 9 years old, poor boy doesn't even get a chance of doing teenage things with his parents. I get up off of the couch and walk over to my computer to look for full-time jobs. I scroll and scroll and scroll for minutes but I cant find anything thats for me or that I can actually do so I just go back to the couch to watch tv. "Y/N?" I look up to see LB/N peeking around the lounge room entrance. "Yes LB/N" "I'm hungry..." I check the time to see that its 7:46pm. "Oh shit I completely lost track of time!" I quickly get up and look through the fridge and freezer to see if I could quickly put something together but of course there's nothing. "LB/N get in the car we're going to maccas" (damn I want maccas 😢)

(This is the actual story now, ENJOY!!!) (still Y/N's POV btw)

Me and LB/N are sitting on the lounge eating dinner, I'm on my phone scrolling through instagram and LB/N is watching tv. "Y/N Y/N LOOK!" I turn my attention to the tv to see a add for Freddy Faz Bears Mega Pizza Plex, there looking for a new daycare attendant/security guard. Wait... FREDDY FAZ BEAR! I used to go to the old pizzeria when I was younger but it was always getting shut down due to children going missing, I wonder if this will be the same. "YOU COULD WORK THERE, YOU'RE GOOD WITH KIDS" "I don't know
LB/N, Freddy's doesn't have a good reputation..." "please Y/N you need this, we needs this" This child is lucky that we really need it otherwise I would pass. "Fine but only because we need the money" "YAY THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU" we hugged then I sent him to bed since it was already 10pm. LB/N went to bed and I send my resume through to try and get a job, after that I went to bed.

*BZZT BZZT BZZT* I wake up to my phone ringing at 5am who the hell in calling me at 5 am in the fricken morning! I pick my phone up and answer trying not to sound tired. "Hello?" "Hi this is (I'm to lazy to think of a name) from Freddy Faz Bear's Mega Pizza Plex calling you about you application to work in the daycare" "Oh hi how can I help you" "I wanted to call to ask if you are available for an interview at 7 this morning?" "Yeah sure I can come in then" "Amazing see you then" "see you" yes I finally got an interview! Oh shit I better get ready.                                                                                                               

I put the best clothes on that looks professional but also that would suit the environment. "LB/N! LETS GO!" "OK COMING" I have to take LB/N to his friends house since I'm going to be gone for a while. 30 minutes late I've dropped off LB/N at his friends house and parked in the parking lot of the Pizza Plex and god its huge.

On the front there's a sign that has a bear on it, it must be the lead singer of the Glamrock animatronics Freddy. There looks to be 3 floors, wow. I enter the Pizza Plex and head to the front desk to see if they can lead me to the interview room aka the bosses office. Soon enough I was inside of the office being interviewed. "Well congratulations Y/N you got the job!"  "Wow thank you sir I wont let you down, when shall I start?" "Right now, your uniform is in the staff bathroom in the daycare" "oh ok thank you again" "of course, your schedule is also in there and I will email it to you so you have a backup" "ok, I'll get working now" I get up and leave the room and look around to find the daycare, to my luck it was pretty easy to find since the sign outside is in bold blue and yellow text saying 'Daycare Entrance'.

I enter to see two big statues greeting you as you walk in. One had a sun looking head with yellow and orange jester clothing on and the other one was a moon with white/grey and blue jester clothing on. I continue waking past them and then see a slide that says 'Slide Into Fun' so I just go down there into the daycare and land in a ball pit. I struggle as I try to swim my way through to get out when I hear something else jump in with me. I look around and then suddenly get picked up from my hips.


"U-uh I'm the new security guard for the daycare"


The animatronic was still holding me as he gets out of the ball pit.

"Uh c-can you put me down please"


I now get a good look at the sun animatronic and jeez he is tall, he looks to be 8ft.




"Who's the other animatronic thats on the statue, the moon one?"

He just looks at me silent and slightly upset.


I just nod then walk over to the front desk and sit myself down. I wonder why the moon animatronic isn't friendly, I mean he's a daycare attendant isn't he?

Sundrop/Moondrop x y/n (smut)Where stories live. Discover now