Invited to the Hero Party

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Chapter 13: Invited to Join the Hero Party

The next two days passed in relative quiet. I found myself falling into a routine, as a matter of fact. Wake up, eat, train with Vale, bathe, eat more, than sleep for half the day. I'd get up for a few hours in the evening to eat and talk with the Squad, perhaps read more of the libraries reference books, than sleep some more. I was thinking I was getting lazy. A novel concept to be sure as I had never had the opportunity to be lazy before now.

It was on the third day after the Heroes introduction that I decided to try out the Gigantium spell. I needed to know the true price of casting it and exactly how large Drogin would get. I needed more information before I could use the spell in battle. The last thing I needed to do was to use it inside and have a whole house come down on my head.

"Drogin, lets go." I told the newt. He jumped off the widow ledge where he had been sunning himself and scutter up onto my shoulder.

"Where are you off to?" Asked Honey, passing me by while holding a plate of sandwiches. There must have been nine of them.

"There is a spell I want to try out. You aren't going to eat all those are you?" I asked, eyeing the tower and then the woman's thin waist.

"Of course!" She said cheerfully. Today she was dressed in a simple yellow dress looking all the more like her name sake, her wolf's tail wagging at her back. "Beastmen have crazy active metabolism. Even when being a lazy slouch I burn through the calories." She gave me a sad, appraising look. "Are you sure Demons aren't the same? I don't want to be rude, but you are getting awfully thin Sin. I have only known you a few days, but it really doesn't look healthy. You should eat more."

Surprised, I looked at my own body. I supposed I was thinner than when I had revived here all those weeks ago. "I guess I did loose a couple pounds... I am so used to being this way I hadn't noticed."

"You are used to being skin and bones?"

I shrugged. "I have been eating a lot more than I ever did before coming to Harth, though, so I'm sure its nothing. Probably Vale's fault for running me ragged every morning."

"I highly doubt that." Growled the man in question, where he sat in my usual spot, hands crossed behind his head and eyes closed, looking every bit like he was going for a nap.

"You should probably eat more..." Continued Honey. "Want me to fix you something dear?"

I shook my head. "No that's fine. Thank you though. You guys are welcome to come check out my new spell though. I may need help anyway; this thing may completely drain me of mana."

At that, Vale perked up. "What is this spell supposed to do?"

"Come find out." I spoke.

"I'm in." Sated Dural, pushing his own, now empty, plate aside. "I've got nothing ter' do at the mo'"

"Count me in too." Smiled Zach as he brushes off the crumbs of his own meal. I hadn't seen him in the last couple days. He had locked himself in his room, tinkering and studying. Sandra assured me that his was normal for him.

And so, I left the base with Zach and Dural in tow. A moment later Vale stalked out as well. Apparently, curiosity won over his need to be a dick toward me. I led the procession farther out into the field, not wanting to accidentally break the base.

"Are we going on a nature walk?" Asked Vale.

"No." I said simply. I was too sore from our last training session to bother with banter now. He had managed to nearly take my leg off earlier and I just barely resisted taking his head. "This should be good." I said eyeing the stretch of grass a good distance from the base but not too close to the forest.

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