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After 3 days, I started my journey to Merandal City. Before living in our house once again, I tightly hugged my grandpa, and we cried together since I don't know how long I will be gone and will come back here. We embrace for a second, then we let go. I waved to my grandpa as he stood beside the door, waving his hand while watching me leave. I know this is hard, but I need to do it for our better lives.

I walk for 3 days in the mountain side and outskirts. I bring my small leather bag with 2 bread and a wooden cup for the water. The bread is just right for my journey to the city and the water is I get it in the spring or river that I will pass. When at night I sleep under the tree even it is cold I still withstand it.

On my 3rd day in front of me is the hill and behind that is the Merandal City. I took at deep breath and walk on the top of the hill and the first thing I saw in front of me is a huge city with busy beast people. Here I know when I enter the city I know my life will be change so I need to prepare my self. I gather all of my courage and start my way to the city.

On the city entrance theres a lot of beast and small makeshift stores. They sell vagetables and accessories. When I enter the city it overwhelmed me for a while since I'm not used where there are so many beast around me. I look around and the products there is so unique most of the thing I see is my first time seeing it. The city is so lively and I'm starting to like it. I walk in the city looking around and for my amazement sometimes I bump into some beast and I immediately apologize. But there is a particular spot that where there is small beast walking. It's dark and the beast here seems not lively as before but I didn't mind it. I walk and walk until I went into the dark tight alley and when I reach the end it is dead end. When I turn back there is 4 beast with the hood and a knife in their hands. I immediately feel nervous as I walk slowly backwards as they walk to me slowly. I bump the wall behind me and I am panicking.

Ichiro: stay back~~ what are you gonna do to me? *Scared*

??1: ohh it seems like you are new here.

??2: I have a feeling that you might a valuable for the auction.

Ichiro: auction~? *Nervously said*

??3: don't worry just cooperate to us and you will not get hurt.

??4: now smell this

The one beast man blow a weird powder to my face as I slowly lost my consciousness and I fell down.

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