"hang out"

337 7 2

Eliza point of view:

While, I was holding dahlia's hand I slowly walked her into my limo.

We get in the limo and it starts driving while, we are on our way dahlia asked me a question.

"Hey, out of all people why would you not mind giving me your number?"

It didn't surprise me, I knew she was going to ask that question I was already prepared.

"I handed my number to whoever is in the v.i.p place there was mostly my friends there but I didn't think that there would be anyone rich as me there."

"I guess that makes sense but-"

She got interrupted when we were at our destination so, we both got out of my limo.

Black dahlia point of view:

I saw where we are and it was a fancy restaurant that was known around here.

We went in and got seated for two people. We then received the menu and I saw that they got my favorite wine so, I was thinking of ordering that.
"Hey, Dahlia just curious what are you considering of ordering?"

"I was thinking of ordering this wine right here it's my favorite wine but I'm not thinking of ordering food though."

"You have good taste"

That was pretty sweet of her then, there was the waitress who got our order and said it was going to be ready soon. The place wasn't busy so, it was okay.

We talked for a few minutes specifically about how our rich life's been until the waitress came with a couple of wine she said it was for just in case if we wanted more.

I didn't mind though and I'm pretty sure Eliza didn't either so it was fine for the both of us

While we were continuing talking, I noticed she was drinking more than she was supposed to.

"Heyy, I liedd about whaat I saiid about earlierr."

"What do you mean?"

"I gavee you myy numberr becausee your facee was mmemorizingg"

I almost choked on my drink, I didn't think someone like her would be in interest in me but I stayed quiet and let her kept talking.

"Killingg iss fun you knnow.."

I was shocked but she was relatable.

"You know what why don't we go back to your place and have a girls night there?"

"Why nnot?"

eliza x black dahlia (skullgirls)Where stories live. Discover now