Chapter 2

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This chapter contains things that may trigger certain people. Read with caution.
Oliver looked on in anguish, and with a defeated sigh, began walking to the remainder of his hook. he looked at the snapped string he had previously been climbing on. tears sprang to his eyes. he remembered when he first got it. Oliver had been a child, 7 or 8 maybe. his dad had finally let him go borrowing, the little boy had been so exceed. his dad had found a spare fishing hook under the cupboard and had surprised Oliver with his very own climbing hook. now it was just a hook, with a splintered rope tied to it.

He was just about to reach the rope when the hairs on his neck stood up. something was off, it was oddly quiet. the previously warm and welcoming silence of the kitchen had been replaced with a cold, unsettling void.  A sense of unease dwelled in the pit of his stomach.Oliver stopped in his tracks and spun around what he saw caused his stomach to drop. he gasped starring at the looming shadow in front of him.

Oliver's breath hitched, he was starring directly at his host, the massive form only a few yards away. Oliver stumbled back, landing on his injured leg causing him to yelp in pain. the humans' eyes grew wide at the sudden noise and, to Oliver's horror, it began to reach for him. The massive digits moved closer and closer, until they were mere feet away.

Oliver ran, to the best of his ability, limping and staggering pathetically to the tile he had entered from. However, before he could reach it, a massive, fleshy, wall blocked his path. Oliver spun around attempting to run but, to his anguish, he was surrounded. Oliver scrambled back to the only place not covered, the kitchen backdrop.

Oliver curled into himself protectively, shaking with fear, chest heaving, blood pumping, glued to the wall. his eyes searched frantically in every direction to find some way, any way out of this. the only opening was directly ahead of him where the human was, and he definitely didn't want to be anywhere near the human.

the human began to slowly encompass him. Oliver couldn't take it, his PTSD started kicking in. he remembered what happened, his best friend, the humans, the blood, oh so mush blood. this couldn't be happening to him. he couldn't think. the hands were getting closer. 'I'm gunna die. its going to kill me. my life is over.' thoughts swirled in his head like a hurricane.

"STOP!" Oliver yelled in desperation, not that it would help anything.Unbelievably, the hands stopped moving, even retracting a bit.

"did you just talk?" the human inquired curiously. Curiosity was one of the worst traits of humans. When they found something, they couldn't help but try and cure their curiosity by discovering everything possible about the thing before finally killing it. 'that-thats going to happen to me' the borrower thought.

Oliver's breathing was now incalculable, he was shaking like a leaf, and his vision was blurry. He was having an attack. Unlike most borrowers, Oliver suffered from generalized anxiety disorder (or GAD), a disorder that causes attacks whenever over exerted. these attacks can result in dizziness, nausea, hyperventilating, loss of the ability to hear, and even fainting. he had always been frail, and easily scared, but now he was terrified.

"h——- h-y! calm do—. its —ay" the human cooed, and Oliver's eyes darted up to his hosts. panic was filling him a in every place. Both beings didn't move, they only starred at each other one with fear one with....was that pity? Oliver didn't have time to think because the human spoke once more.

"w—t are —u?" he said mindfully. Oliver had heard of all the terrible things that humans did to borrowers when they were seen, they tortured them for information. that was going to happen to him! the humans 'phone' rang and his host looked over at it. this was his chance! Oliver bolted -well as well as someone with a dislocated ankle can bolt- to the opening.

Oliver could see the chipped tile just a few meters away! 20, 15, 12, 10 Oliver squeezed his eyes shut, he was going to make it, almost there-thunk! Oliver fell backwards and opened his eyes slowly. it seemed like his whole word was spinning. everything around him was warped, he could see the chipped time not 5 meters away. then he looked back.

the humans hand was hovering above him...wait not hovering, it was clenched around-and then Oliver realized the horror of his situation. he had been caught. This was not going to end well.

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