Volume 1

23 1 0

"Be careful Reiko, it's a bit cold out there", a man shouted from the kitchen, slicing vegetables in a mannered pace. Sounds of shuffling from upstairs and grumbling echoed from his young daughter. "Okay dad..." she mumbled as she walked down the steps. She waved at her father before shutting her front door, stopping the cold breeze. The man sighed as he continued to prepare ingredients for dinner. He washed his hands of the residue and decided to check his letters. He flipped through them and found one with a familiar crest stamped with red wax. He hurriedly took his letter opener and sliced the right side and pulled the folded parchment from the envelope. He carefully unfolded it and began to read the letter.

"Dear Mr. Ishizu,
I have reviewed your application for your daughter and know well of the difficulty of your child's safety. I will accept her as a student and she will reside her in our dormitories. I will see fit that she can use her skills for our Disciplinary Committee which has my two children in charge of maintaining peace between the day and night classes here. I swear that I will care for her like she is my own and she will help make peace for both humans and vampires alike. The night class is aware of the boundaries, but it's better to maintain it as well. Hopefully, we can talk more when she starts her first day. Wish you well and safety for you both...
Headmaster Kaien Cross of the Cross Academy"

He sighed in relief as he looked at the photos framed of him and his daughter, reminiscing the days of raising her without a mother. He shed some tears for his deceased wife, but was interrupted by the sudden knocking on the front door. He wiped his tears and cleared his throat as he walked to the door. He peeked through the peephole seeing a man in a trench coat and holding a toolkit in his left hand. He remembered a repairman was to arrive to fix the rusted pipes in the kitchen, he opened the door and greeted the man. "Ah, you must be here for the broken pipes, thank goodness!", he stated as he let the man inside the home. "I understand that very much, some of these places need more than just small repairs, but don't you worry sir! You'll have running hot water once I finish up here!", the man said as he placed his repair kit on the ground. As the repairs were being made, Mr. Ishizu prepared refreshments for his guest.

After a couple of hours, the pipes were replaced and they enjoyed a quick meal and some fresh tea. "Thank you again for your service, here is your payment and have some food to go, you'll be busy for sure, sir", Mr. Ishizu said as he handed a bag with wrapped sandwiches inside. "You are too kind, have a blessed day!", the repairman greeted as he opened the door. Then the sudden gust of cold air entered the home. A shriek from the repairman rung throughout the home as he was tackled by a man, who looked sickening and disheveled. The man began biting the repairman messily, leaving splatters of red on the wooden floor and the walls. Mr. Ishizu ran to a cabinet and grabbed a silver-plated sword. The repairman was no more as his neck was obliterated by the vampire, Mr. Ishizu ran at the vampire, who dodged his swings. His speed was almost inhuman compared to the vampire. He was neck-to-neck with the assault, he backed the vampire into a tight corner and pierced the sword in the chest of the vampire. The vampire gasped in shock at the sword as he felt his body burning at the sight of the wound. In seconds, the vampire disintegrated to nothing but ashes. Before Mr. Ishizu could get a breather, two more vampires entered and saw him wielding the sword. They were bigger in size and height, but that wouldn't stop Mr. Ishizu from the fight for his life.

(Reiko's POV)
"Thank you so much for the scarf, ma'am! ", I said as I wrapped the purple scarf around my neck. The old woman waved as I left the store with my groceries in hand, the shrill breeze gave no warning almost knocking me over. I adjusted my coat and walked down the street, avoiding every alleyway. I was raised knowing that vampires exist and are the reason for my mother's passing. My father trained me to know how to fight off those beasts. They're are different ranks of the vampires, but to simply put it....I hate them all. I reached closer to my home and saw the front door broken off of its hinges, with splattered blood. My instincts flared as I bolted in and saw a man at the door with his neck and collarbone bitten through, like an mangled animal. To my horror, I spot a tall man biting into another man, which was my father. Tears spilled as my anger took hold, I bolted up to my room and pulled the loose floorboards to reveal my silver decorated chain-sickle. I grabbed the handle and in seconds the vampire was inches away from me, I swung the sickle to his neck, piercing his throat. I shoved him down as yanked the sickle out of him and wrapped the chain around my wrist and I swung the weapon with more force into his back.
He let out a shriek as the weapon burst his heart, with in seconds he disintegrated. I stood up, dusting off my clothes and wiping my sweat of my face. I walked back down the steps with caution, seeing another vampire picking at the body at the door. I hopped over the railing, which alerted him clearly, but that didn't bother me. I slowly swung my sickle in circles to irritate that monster, he eventually began to lunge at me. I dropped down to the floor and as he was in the air, I threw my weapon around his waist. I pulled the chain which made the sickle hook on his abdomen, he looked in horror as his fate was sealed in seconds. With a simple pull, the chain glowed bright as his body split in two and disintegrated with ease.

I stood up once more and checked every crevice of my home, I was truly alone now. I covered the bodies with sheets and collected my belongings, spotting a letter on the surface of the counter. As I skimmed the letter, I remembered meeting the headmaster of Cross Academy last week, having some tea with my dad. I don't really agree on his plan of humans and vampires being equals in the potential future. Unfortunately, I can't reject this letter, I have no where else to go. I let tears fall once more as I uncovered my father's face, placing a light kiss on his forehead, I knew it was inevitable that one of us would die. I covered his face once again, leaving my home in the destroyed state knowing no one would care until someone reports the smell. Cross Academy....here I come....

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